Chapter 2 - Blue Like the Sky, Grey Like a Storm Cloud

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

"My Lady, if it pleases you, I will only be a moment inside and thought you might prefer to remain here." I said it politely to avoid offense, but Lady Corblin waved me off dismissively.

"Please go on. I don't mind waiting a while."

I bowed lightly and pushed open one of the double doors. The room was lit on the opposite wall with a long thin strip of window. The window rested on the ground from the outside, but from the inside you had to be able to stretch twelve feet to touch the sill. It was not paned and it was this that kept the room fresh and cool during the summer. Now, however, during the cool part of fall, the window was stuffed with isulation to ward off the cold. The room was filled with bunks. Top to bottom and side to side. Ladders were fixed to the walls and to bed posts so that boys could get to the much higher levels. Hammocks were strung in the corners and only thin walkways were left between the beds to make the most of the limited space.

The room was almost completely empty and it was easy finding my own bed. It was set on the wall under the window and I had the fourth bed up. I didn't climb to it, however, but instead went to the cabinet style shelves at the end of the bed. I opened the fourth door and sorted through my few belongings to find a white tunic, a pair of black breeches, my only other pair of boots, and a maroon vest. The extra clothes had been issued to me by the Postal and I put them on now. I removed my headband and dagger and left them in my shelf.

I left quickly and was happy to find Lady Corblin waiting patiently. "You look different without your uniform, Dheul."

I smiled. "I feel better too."

It wasn't long before we were once again outside the Service and walking through the city. The streets were empy now, and when we exited the last building and entered the wide expanse of grass we were almost completely alone.

That only lasted for a short time. A few hundred yards away, thousands of people were merrily singing and dancing around massive piles of burning wood. Lady Corblin wrapped her arm around mine again as we approached.

“Where will I be taking you, my lady?” I asked.

“I’ll be going to the castle first. I’m to attend a banquet with the king and the other court officials.”

I nodded. “Of course, my lady.”

We were silent as we passed vendors selling warm food and decorative party items. There seemed to be no end to the crowd as most were moving in time with music or laughing with friends or gathering in groups to watch entertainers. Once, I saw that a set had been raised near the road and a group of performers were acting out a play while a sizeable crowd watched from the ground. I saw a group of men that looked like they were preparing something and I suspected that their preparations meant fireworks. In another place, I saw a man who seemed to be performing magic tricks with a group of wide eyed children. Even as I watched, the magician expertly pulled a frog from his glove and snapped his fingers to make it a bouquet, which he handed to a little blond girl. I could not help but laugh when the bouquet turned back into a frog and the little girl squealed and ran away.

Lady Corblin laughed, her voice was like wind chimes. “Enjoying yourself already?”

I looked down at the beautiful girl on my arm and it came to me that I was getting many a jealous glance from other young men. I smiled again. “I suppose I am. I love the Ides of October. It’s my favorite holiday.”

She smiled back at me and we entered the tunnel under the castle. “I would have to agree with you. Fall is my favorite time of year.”

The Ides of October. What one might call a bitter-sweet occasion. It is a three day celebration of Anultic that remembers the three days of calm before the night of the full moon. It is meant to be a happy holiday so that during the days to follow, the people are less uneasy.

Running Redजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें