To the School

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Max kept running. He ran until he couldn't breathe. His chest was on fire, and his legs were numb. The bottoms of his feet were raw from pounding the pavement without shoes. He shivered, and the world spun. Angry tears mingled with cold sweat. His teeth chattered. He kept running.

And then he was falling in slow motion. His hands were the first to meet the ground, then his face. Lying there, he could taste blood. He must've hallucinating, too, because he could see Crona running towards him, followed by Black*Star, holding Tsubaki, in the form of a chain scythe.

Crona fell to her knees beside him, still sobbing. Max ignored her and sat up dizzily.

"What are you doing here?" he asked Black*Star.

"What Big Shots do best! Saving the weak and stupid! HYAHAHAHA!"

Max rolled his eyes. "We have to get back to your school! Medusa's attacking!"

"I know! That's where we're going!" Black*Star grinned, "Let's go fight!" He started to run.

Max ran after him a few steps, and remembered Crona. He turned around. "What are you waiting for?" he called out to her, "C'mon!"

Crona tentatively followed.

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