Crona Finds Max

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Crona sat on Max's front porch. She had decided to start at Max's house, and look for possible clues as to where he had gone. But it was dark out, and Crona was terrified of the dark. So she had decided to stay here.

She hadn't realized that she had fallen asleep until she heard a voice calling her name.

"Crona? Crona! Wake up!"

She slowly opened her eyes to see Max hunched over her, his expression serious.

"Max?" She barely whispered.

He took her hands and gently helped her up. "What are you doing here?" He asked, softly.

"Your mother told me to look for you." She said shyly.

"You mean she's not here?" He looked suddenly worried.

Crona nodded.

"Where is she?" He demanded.

Crona was about to answer when she noticed the meister standing behind him with her weapon. She wasn't sure what this one's name was. Something that started with an M. Mara? Possibly. But the thought that other meisters had broken into her mother's portal room and successfully arrived here terrified her. She made a feeble noise, and fell silent.

"Crona? Answer me!" Max looked like he was about to shake her. Crona squirmed uncomfortably, and caught sight of three people coming up the driveway. Slowly, she raised her arm and pointed over Max's shoulder.

Max wheeled around to look at what Crona was pointing at. Two more strange-looking kids about his age were walking up the front walk. One had startling blue hair that was spiked up even more asymmetrically than Soul's. He had a wild look to him, and took long confident strides. The other one was a tall girl with a long black ponytail. She walked behind him somewhat shyly, with her hands intertwined behind her back.

Following them was his mother, but something about her had changed. She was more... Beautiful. She moved with grace and confidence, and the stress lines on her forehead had disappeared. When she saw Max, she ran up the front walk, arms open, waiting for him.

Max didn't run into them. He backed away, still hurt. "No," he whispered hoarsely, "Stay away from me." He turned away from her, not willing to see her crestfallen look; not willing to watch her heart break all over again.

Finding the Raven Witch (A Soul Eater Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora