Back to the Corner

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Max kept his head down, walking quickly, and avoiding people. It was a beautifully clear night, and his jacket was making him hot. Still, he kept his hood on and the zipper all the way up. He couldn't be noticed.

He was going to the same street corner where he first met Crona, to catch the bus from there, and try to get as far away from Grenon as possible. To New York? No. Everyone ran away to the big city. Somewhere farther. Canada? Maybe. He doubted his mother would find him there. He would catch the bus and go to New York, where he would catch another bus that would take him farther away.

He might even run into Crona at the bus stop. She always seemed to be there, and when they walked home together, she would always make him leave her there. This slightly confused Max, but he had learned not to question her. If he saw her there that night, he would stop to talk to her. He would ask her not to be mad at him. Invite her to go with him. She would say no, he knew. But he would ask anyway, just to spite his mother. And then the bus would come, and he would say goodbye to her. He might see her again later on, in a few years. But that was wishful thinking.

He was replaying the scene in his head, over and over as he neared the corner. Walking faster, he pulled his beanie down to make sure it hid his stripes. Crona would recognize him. She always did. With mounting excitement, he completely forgot to look where he was going, and collided with someone with such force, that it knocked him off his feet.

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