A Mission for Black*Star

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Black*Star jumped down from the rafters, where he had been listening to Soul and Maka's conversation. He grinned mischievously.

"Hear that, Tsubaki?" He spoke to the shining silver star in his hand. "Shinigami-sama thinks they're better than us, so he's sending them on a quest to find a witch! We have to get the 100 souls first, so I, Black*Star, can be the student who makes Shinigami-sama's next weapon! HAIYAYAYA!!!!"

"I don't know, Black*Star." Tsubaki whispered shyly, "I think the mission Shinigami-sama sent them on is more important than just finding a witch."

"More important?" Black*Star laughed dismissively, "What could be more important than making you into Shinigami-sama's next weapon?"

"Something's telling me to stay out of this, Black*Star..." Tsubaki shifted uncomfortably in her meister's hands.

"And something's telling me that I'm the almighty Black*Star, who will someday transcend all gods! I never back down from a challenge!"

And with that, Black*Star ran down the halls, Tsubaki in hand, ready to take on whatever challenge presented itself.

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