Raven Over Grenon

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Rosalyn spread her wings as she soared over Grenon, looking for Max. Although she hated her magic, she had to admit that it felt good to fly again. Transforming into a raven was always her favourite power. Guilty, she put those thoughts out of her mind as she scanned the streets for Max.

A few blocks away from the bus stop where Black*Star had made his appearance, she saw someone she recognized. It was Crona, and she was walking in the direction of Rosalyn's house. In a flash, the raven witch swooped down, transforming back into human form just as her feet touched the sidewalk.

Crona, shocked to see her friend's mother seemingly appear out of nowhere, made a feeble noise as she toppled into the sidewalk. Rosalyn extended a hand and helped the poor girl up. Even though she was certain now that Crona had something to do with the DWMA kids, she still felt pity for her.

When she spoke, however, it was firmly. "Where's Max?"

"I don't know!" Squeaked Crona. Rosalyn didn't need her magic to know the girl wasn't lying. She seemed far too genuinely concerned, as she stood there, cowering.

"That boy. The one at the bus stop, Black*Star. Do you know him?" She towered over Crona, who seemed to shrink in terror.

"N- N- No" she whispered, "B- But I've seen him before. He's a... a..."

Rosalyn raised her eyebrows. "A...?"

"He's a DWMA student!" She gasped, tears running down her face. "His name is Black*Star," she sobbed, "And his weapon is Tsubaki!"

Rosalyn nodded. "DWMA... Are you training there too?"

Crona shook her head, her lip still quivering. "My mother works there... She won't let me go."

Rosalyn crossed her arms. "Did you use some sort of portal to get here?"

Crona nodded yes.

"Are you able to open it back up to return home?"

Crona nodded yes again.

"And if we go rescue this Black*Star and his weapon, will you be able to take them both back with you?"

Crona nodded yes a third time.

Rosalyn took a deep breath, collecting her thoughts. She would go to the jail, use her magic to rescue the young DWMA students, and send them back home. Then, she would go find Max. She turned to Crona.

"Go look for Max," she instructed her, "When you find him, take him back to the house and call my cell phone. Ok?"

Crona nodded quickly before running off. Swiftly and silently, Rosalyn lifted back off into the air.

Finding the Raven Witch (A Soul Eater Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now