•~11. Missing Him/Her~•

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Very short, oops?

Zyiliene's POV:

It's been months since Shijie talked to me. I should be happy that he isn't talking to me, but I'm not. Is it weird that I kinda miss him? I think I've gone crazy.

I should be happy, but I'm not! What is wrong with me. In class, he doesn't look at me and he doesn't talk to me. A few glances here and there, but nothing more.

I'm currently at home on my bed with my laptop. I'm looking thought my Facebook when I saw this.

Shijie Cen
Missing her :(

Wait, what? Who's her? It couldn't be me though... Or is it?

I groaned and closed my laptop and grabbed my phone and message Jayly.

Zyiliene: Hey Jayly

Jayly: Zyiliene! Hi

Zyiliene: hahha hey. Did you see what Shijie posted?

Jayly: Yeah I saw it, it's you

Zyiliene: How do you know?

Jayly: He told me :P

Zyiliene: For real?!

Jayly: Yup

Zyiliene: Oh god
So it is me. Fucking hell.

Shijie 's POV:

Is it wrong that I miss her? I like her, but she doesn't like me. I'm trying to forget her, but it's hard.

I went on Facebook and typed three words with a sad face.

Shijie Cen
Missing her :(

I groaned and rubbed my face with my hands.

In class it's so hard not to stare at her. Not talking to her is kinda easy, but not stare at her! That's fucking hard. How can someone not look at that beauty?

Another thing is that, someone told me that Jayly likes me? Doesn't look like it. I'm pretty sure he likes shaundrick though...

Shaundrick definitely likes her. How I know? He told us, by us I mean, me, Jefrem, Raindrick and Edgar.

Yes, he has a girlfriend, but he said that he's gonna break up with her. Thank god, she's a fucking bitch. 

Anyway, time to do homework, which is very easy. I'm a nerd, what can I say?

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