•~4. A Day With Our Crushes~•

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Mood: Fireproof By: One Direction

Zyiliene 's POV:

School has been great so far. Shijie hasn't been talking to me. So that's a plus.

Valentine's Day is in 1 week. School is selling roses for 2 dollars. I bet my friends will get roses, I won't get any, unless Shijie buys me one. Ugh.

He hasn't been talking to me, BUT he was staring. Creepy asf.

Jayly's POV:

So I'm confused about my feelings. I have feelings for Patrick AND Shaundrick.

Why can't I date both?
This is why:

Reason 1. Patrick has anger issue

Reason 2. Shaundrick is dating someone.

So yeah....

I'm fucked.

Micka's POV:

So.. Something embarrassing happen to me..

In the janitors closet....

So me and Angelo were making out in the janitors closet and....

The janitor came in. He yelled at us to get out.

He also said "Teenagers these days, I swear" and went in the janitors closet and closed the door.

That's not all.

We went in the GIRLS restroom. We started making out again. Then 5 girls came in and started yelling at Angelo AND hitting him. Me? I started laughing.

THEN we went to the BOYS restroom. We started making out AGAIN.

AND AGAIN 2 boys came in. They frikin took out their phone and started filming us. What. The. Hell.

We stopped, glared at them and got out the restroom.

Why can't we make out for even for 1 minute? That's all I'm asking. Damn.

Azriel's POV:

I'm on a date with Dylan....

At Mc Donald's.... Very romantic Dylan.

I'm eating a Big Mac ;) and he's eating nuggets. Best date ever.

Zuri's POV:

So I'm playing with Ayden.

Not like that dirty minded people. I'm playing Wii, Mario Party 9. My fav is Toad and his fav is Yoshi.

So far he's frikin winning. I'm second place -_-

We're at round 9. I have 2 stars and he haves 5 frikin stars.

5 rounds later he has 7 stars and me? Still 2 stars.

Last round. He won. Dammit.

"Dammit!" I yelled and trow the controller on the floor, then realized and panicked.

I picked it up and trow it on the couch. Ayden laughed. "Zuri omg" He said while laughing. I laughed.

"What do you wanna do now?" He ask. I thought for a moment. "I don't know" I said. He thought for a moment. "Nope, nothing" He said, shaking his head.

"Ugh" I trow myself on the couch. I felt something on my back. I got up and saw the controller. I picked it up and put it on the table.

"Did you really forgot that the controller is on the couch" he laughed. I glared at him, "shut up". He laughed again.

He sat on the couch next to me. "Wanna watch a movie?" He ask. "Sure" I said, "which one?".

"Frozen" He said smirking. That bastard, he knows that that's my favorite movie. I smiled/glared at him.

Half way through the movie, we fucking cuddled each other. ASDFGHJKL.

He cuddled me closer. I looked at him. He look at me. We stared into each other's eyes for a moment. Then we stared to lean in.

Our lips touched. We we're kissing. Our lips are moving slowly, loving together.

We stopped and continued to cuddle. Best kiss ever.

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