Chapter 4. (Edited.)

Start from the beginning

I shrugged my shoulders and took a piece of bacon off of peters plate, he pouted at me but didn't do anything. I started walking out of the kitchen when Josh yelled out. "Clyde you bastard that was my bacon!" He screamed at Clyde and chased him around the kitchen while Claire took the rest of his bacon off of his plate. I shook my head and laughed. Claire looked up and smiled at me putting a finger over her mouth. These two where evil geniuses I thought to myself smiling. "Who the fuck took the rest of my bacon?!" Josh screamed and I laughed as I made it to the hallway and skipped to my room. Walking into my room I slipped into the gym and hopped on the treadmill turning my IPod on and blasting the music. I followed my routine as I did yesterday. As I was lifting some weights there was a knock at my door. "Come in." I called as I lifted the forty pounds off of the supports. The movement started to take my mind when Cole’s voice sliced through the screen I lifted the weight back onto the supports and sat up. "Sorry Cole what did you say?" I asked as he handed me a glass of water and I drank it slowly. "I'm sorry." He said I looked at him and swallowed the water. "For what?" I asked and started to drink more of the water. "For trying to hide things from you." He said I knew there was a different meaning behind his words I just didn't know what...... Yes actually I think I do. "You know your mate misses you just as much as you miss her." I said, Cole looked at me shocked and I grinned. "I wouldn't be your twin if I couldn't read your mind." "Well what am I supposed to do?" He asked sounding hopeless. "Go home to her! You deserve your mate I will be fine, plus Mitch and Dan are coming to stay here maybe permanently." I said, Cole had a huge smile on his face. "Thank you Tina, I love you." He said and rushed off to pack I set the water on the floor and laid back down I lifted the weight and the movement took over my mind again, I finished working out and looked at the time.

7:30 again, I feel a Daily ritual coming on. I thought happily to myself. I went out and started boiling some water, I jumped in the shower for 5 minutes and got out to my boiling water I added the pack of shrimp top of ramen and let the noodles cook. When they were done I ate the food and hopped down the stairs and almost ran into Josh. "Hey beautiful where are you going?" He said I stopped in my tracks and stared at the Greek god leaning against the wall calling me beautiful.

He looked at me confused and just shrugged and walked away. He must not have realized that he called me beautiful. I told myself forcibly and shrugged it off. I reached for my back pocket and realized I was wearing PJ’s I turned around to go up the stairs and heard rummaging around in Cole’s room. I opened the door and saw Josh kissing a girls neck, while she was moaning and running her hands up and down his bare back. I shrugged my shoulders and softly closed the door, I didn't like that they were doing that in Coles room but I won't interrupt them what right do I have? I turned to my room and opened the door I reached for my phone when my door slammed open. "It’s not what it looked like!" A half-dressed Josh said. He was standing in my doorway his hair messed up and his shirt off; I grabbed my phone and looked at Josh confused. "Huh?" Came my intelligent reply, Josh looked at me and was about to start speaking when my phone buzzed. Oh Mitch is calling me! I held a finger up at Josh and answered my phone. "Hey beautiful! How ya been since like earlier? Guess who is in your drive way." Mitch said I heard Dan demanding for the phone in the background, I chuckled when what he said registered in my mind.

I squealed and pushed past Josh out my door I flew down the stairs and jumped through a window that was open I ran around to the front of the house and jumped on Mitch's back. He let out a threatening growl when Dan smacked his head. "Hey Darlin how ya been? I know... Like Mitch just gave you…Like the worst hello ever!" Dan said all squeaky trying to sound like a girl. I let go of Mitch and fell to the floor laughing. "I-I......... gasp... Love you." I said and tried to stop the tears that were streaming down my face. I haven't laughed this hard in a long time. Dan fell down next to me and straddled my hips. "Oh baby I love you almost as much as I love being on top." He said with a purr. I giggled and he was shoved off of me I looked up to see Mitch falling toward me, just before he landed on me he stopped himself with his hands and kissed my forehead. "You have been losing weight." Mitch said and set himself next to me. "You think so? I’ve been working out every day but I still haven't gone wolf yet." I sighed and snuggled up next to him He turned over so I faces where inches apart, he started to slowly lean forward and I held my breath. He paused to see if I would pull away. Do I want this? Probably I have almost always had the biggest crush on him. Will I like the kiss? I'm guessing so. Is this my first kiss? Yes. Was all I could think before his lips softly caressed mine, he was about to pull away when my hands found their way around his neck pulling him closer. His tongue ran over my lips and I almost hesitated but I opened my mouth and the taste of candy cane erupted in my mouth, I moaned and my tongue fought his for dominance when he was ripped off of me I opened my eyes to see a pissed off Dan and a smirking Josh.

"What the hell man if you liked her you could have said! Not snuck around with her all this time!" Dan almost shouted I touched Dan’s shoulder he snapped his head toward me before his glare softened. "Dan this is the first time we have ever, and I mean ever! Kissed where did you get the idea that we had been sneaking around?" I asked Dan looked over to where Josh was before and he was nowhere. "Well...." He said looking around for Josh. "It’s okay Josh told you that didn't he?" I asked Dan nodded his head still looking around for Josh. "Well we better go say hi to Peter, because he is alpha of this pack so-......"

"Yo! My brothers from another mother how you been?" Peter said tackling a distracted Dan to the floor. "Oh my god Peter! Like get off of me!" He said in a mock high pitched girly voice. "Like how many times do I have to tell you and like Tina I prefer to be on like top." He said and started walking away. Peter turned to Mitch and gave him a man hug pat on the back thing. "How have you been Mitch?" Peter asked Mitch, I didn't hear Mitch's reply because I had already walked into the house and made my way to my room. I got in and the door closed behind me I turned around to see a smirking Josh. "Dude stop fucking harassing me! You practically had sex in my brother’s room! You told Dan that Mitch and I had been sneaking around for years! Did you realize that was my first kiss in my whole life?!" I snapped at him and walked into my bathroom I shut and locked the door behind me and slumped to the floor.

What is wrong with him! I just need some friends in this point in my life. Someone knocked on my bathroom door and I snapped. "Go away Josh! I don't ever want to see you again!" "Tina babe are you okay? It's Mitch." He said, I flew off of the floor and unlocked the door opening it I slammed into Mitch and grabbed his shirt; I just stood there and cried for I don't know how long. "Are you feeling better?" Mitch asked me and I nodded my head. My life is so messed up and god officially hates me

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