DAMNATIO MEMORIAE. It roared so loud that the lockers rattled and my ears hurt. I stood there singing to myself and blocking out the sounds. When it stopped I stepped forwards and brought all my power into my voice as I returned the roar with one of my own.

The metal rattled and mine echoed throughout the halls. When I finished the beast and I stared at each other before something passed through us, like a spark of something. Blinking the dread doctors and the beast disappeared.

Turning human I stared at the spot the beast disappeared and saw flashes of memories that weren't mine. Turning back to theo he stared at me as I turned around and walked back the way I came stopping in front of him. "Piece of advice, if you want to kill the beast don't run like a coward." Before he could say anything I walked out of the school and into my thoughts of a girl twirling in the snow with a man and women smiling.


The next day I was heading to school. After the talk Hayden and I had she told me to stand my ground in front of Theo, show him I'm not afraid. I swung off my bike and stared at the school, taking in my surroundings and threats. Being part jaguar means I'm more watchful and analysis more.

My new black vans made no sound and my denim shorts had the ends fraying. My white top showed little stomach and my short leather jacket kept the wind off my back. I cut my hair so it was mid shoulders down my back and didn't get in the way of my fighting.

I walked to the door and stopped as I listened to Liam and Mason. "You said Scott told you not to do anything." Mason said and I looked over to see Hayden with Theo. I felt worried because I told her I know about the beast and what it is.

"I know." Liam says and I could hear the strain in his voice. He cares for Hayden I know that and what we did the other night... I don't know what that was.

"Liam, you said you weren't gonna get involved." Mason told him calmly.

"I know." He said more strained and I calmed myself before walking to the doors and through them. It was like time slowed, I turned to Hayden who stared at me with a smile which I returned before facing Theo who looked surprised.

I flashed him my eyes quickly before letting them fade and walking to Liam and Mason who were staring at me. "What?" I ask. "No hello, I'm so glad your not dead?" Just then Mason pulled me into a hug with a smile and when we pulled away I turned to Liam who was being a little awkward. "Um, hey."

"Hey," he says and I felt the tension rise.

"Ok, well I'm going to locker so see you guys in class."

"Co dominance," the teacher was saying as the class started. "A relationship among alleles where both alleles contribute to the fettle type of the head of a cycle." I think the teacher said but I was staring at her with a 'what the hell expression?'

"Quite a mouthful I know but it is exactly what we'll be learning in today's lab. Seats in the first and third row look behind you these are your partners." As mine turned around the tension rose as I saw Liam's blue gaze. Looking over I saw Mason pull a girls seat away and take her place with Corey.

Looking back I bit my lip and sifted away slightly as Liam sat next to me. The teacher started talking again but my mind drifted. I found the beast at the radio tower, I found him at the school. What if I didn't find him but I was drawn to him.

Bending or Breaking (S05 Liam Dunbar) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now