Chapter 14

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An hour had gone by, and I was almost ready to venture out of my room. I was calm, for once in my life I actually felt calm. Truthfully, everything was out in the open with my mom, and I really didn't need to hide anything from her. My past choices had been reckless and stupid, and I was the one who got myself into this mess, not my mother. I should've forgiven her a long time ago, maybe then things between us wouldn't be so messed up.

I opened my bedroom door to the smell of something good. I peeked over to the living room where Brian and my mother were snuggling on the couch.

"Mom?" I cleared my throat, she sat up instinctively and looked at me.


"Can I talk to you...? In private." She pushed herself off the couch and started to walk toward the kitchen, I followed behind her.

"I have a lot to say, I'm not going to start another fight, I just want to talk to you."

"Okay, you have my attention." With arms folded, and hip slightly jetting out, she gave my the sass she was famous for.

"I take a lot of things out on you, I realize that, and it's probably because I'm really messed up, I'll admit that. In all honesty, I've always been angry for the fact that you were never there for me growing up. I always felt the need to make you notice me, until one day I just gave up, I said 'fuck life'. At that point I didn't care what happened to me because no one else did. The last few weeks have been so alien to me, I didn't know how to react or change. I just wanted to be pissed off, I wanted to show you how much hurt you put me through. I think my perspective has changed since then, I really do want a mom, I really do need a mom. If you're willing to be that person, I'll accept it and reach out for it. I forgive you." She looked at the floor, clearly trying to hide her tears.

"Eden, I really want you to know that I will be there for you always. I know it hurts you that abortion was in my thoughts at 18, and trust me it hurts me too. I never should've even thought it was an option, I never should've tried to go through it because I love you and I need you in my life. It haunts me everyday of what the outcome could've been, but I'm so glad I have you." She drew me in, arms holding me tight to her chest. I could feel her tears roll onto my hair.

"It's okay, what matters now is that we have each other. I love you." I breathed.

She pushed my hair out of the way, and held my face in her hands. "You're not a mistake, you have a purpose, and your life isn't done yet." My heart broke, she really did care about me. "I never ever want to lose you."

Something caught my eye in the distance, I grabbed my mom's hand and stared at the ring.

"Brian proposed." I didn't know how to feel, happy I guess, but also sad. I would never get my mom to myself ever again. That was selfish, I know, but this was all so new and moving so quickly. It's not like they weren't already living together, but what if they decided to have a baby? It's just marriage though, right?

"Wow.. It's beautiful." I smiled. "Congratulations.."

"Thank you!" She beamed. I looked down nervously at my arms, and covered my scars.

"Yeah.." I replied.



I grinned down at the sparkly ring as I dialed Christa's number.


"Christa, I'm engaged!"I squealed.

"What?!" She exclaimed.

"I said yes!"

"Congratulations! I'm so happy for you, how's Eden with all of this?"

"I think she's happy about it.. You'll never guess what happened."

"What?" She questioned.

"She forgave me. She actually let me in for real, it wasn't forced, and we weren't fighting. It was... It was almost as if she removed her layers."

"I knew she would." Christa chuckled, "Eden has a good heart under that tough shell, she just doesn't like to show it."

"I know she does."

"She has a heart like yours, you know."

I laughed, "If only she could see that."

"Show her compassion, she needs that right now the most." Christa used her big sister knowledge on me whenever she had the chance.

"Right, I know."

"Okay, well congratulations on the engagement!!"

"Thanks, sis." I hung up, took a breathe, and got up.

"Eden?" I knocked on her door, she didn't answer so I pushed the door open. She was lying on her bed with her headphones in, hardly acknowledging that I was in her room.

"I know something's wrong, I can tell."

She sat up and turned off her music. "I'm fine."

"No you're not."

"Why wouldn't I be fine? We're going to be a perfect little family." She said shrugging her shoulders.

"Talk to me." I sat down next to her.

"You really want to know?"

"Of course."

"I shouldn't be sad about something so happy, and I am happy for you. I'm just trying to forget that it will never be just us, you'll always have someone else. I guess what I'm trying to say is I've never actually known what it's like to have just a mom, now that we are finally getting along someone else is going to take you away." She kept her eyes on the wall.

"Eden, I know it's going to be weird, but now things are going to be better. You'll finally have a father figure, an amazing man who wants to be in your life along with mine. You're not losing me, you're gaining both of us." I stroked her shoulder.

"Are you sure?"

"One hundred percent sure. It's going to be different, but good different. I can promise you that." She gave a slight smile.

"Alright, I trust you."

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