Chapter 10

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"How's she doing, Megs?" Brian sat next to me on our bed.

"I don't even know where to start. She's doing horrible, she isolating herself, she hasn't eaten in two days, and only leaves her room to go to the bathroom."

"She can't blame herself forever. She'll get over it, he's not dead. He'll come back." Brian pulled back my hair and kissed my neck.

"It's not promised though, and that's why she is so scared." He pulled me down next to him and whispered, "Maybe you should stop worrying about it for a while."



Later that evening, Brian and I were both in the kitchen. I pulled out noodles and sauce for spaghetti. Brian was chopping mushrooms, and humming old show tunes. I couldn't help but sing along. I poured the noodles into a pot with boiling water, and warmed up the sauce.

"I should go talk to her. Can you watch the noodles?"

"I can do that!" Brian twirled me around and kissed me on the lips, he was always more romantic after sex.

Eden's room was dark and silent, she was curled up on her bed, wide awake. She looked like she hadn't gotten any sleep in the two days that she confined herself in her room.

"Hey, honey. Come eat dinner with us." She turned her back to me. "You need to eat. I don't care if we have to lift you out of this bed, but you are eating with us tonight." She sighed.

"I can't." Her voice was quiet, almost a whisper.

"I want you out with us tonight, dinner will be ready in 15 minutes. Please be out."



As soon as she left I got out of bed, stretched my arms and changed out of my pajamas. She was right, I wasn't helping anyone by staying in bed. I pulled out a crop top with a cat on it, black cardigan, and bright blue high waisted skinny jeans. I pulled my hair into a side braid and left some hair out. In the mirror, I realized how bad I had let my face get. Quickly, I brushed on powder foundation and blush, I also swiped on mascara and thick winged black eyeliner. Finally starting to look more like myself, I opened the door. Megan and Brian had set out three plates, two seats had red wine in the glasses, and mine had a Pepsi.

"Eden!" Both of them looked over in amazement that I was actually out of my room. I just looked at them, i really didn't have nothing to say.

"We made your favorite, spaghetti!" I hated spaghetti.

I smiled and rolled my eyes, "Yeah, when I was five, but food does sound good." I sat down at my seat after serving food onto my plate. "Have you heard from Kellin's mom on how he's doing."

Megan and Brian looked down at their plates, and Megan spoke, "Not yet. I can call her later though."

"Oh." I played with my spaghetti, as we quietly sat. "So it was so important for me join dinner and we are all pretty quiet." They looked up.

"So how about a movie night?" Brian asked enthusiastically.

"Oohhh that sounds good!" Megan chimed in. "What so you think we should watch, Eden?"

"Saw." I joked, they didn't get my sarcasm. "I'm joking." I said in monotone.

Brian laughed. "Romance? Comedy? Drama? Musical? Horror?"

Megan smiled, "Comedy! I could sure use a laugh right now."

"So then while you guys watch you movie, can I go visit Kellin?" I begged with my eyes.

"We should go with you, sweetheart." My mom replied.

"That's fine." I took one more bite of my spaghetti and then got up, took my plate to the sink, and waited for them to call a cab.


Kellin was in the same place as he was two days ago, I held his hand.

"Kellin. They said you could hear me even when you're in a coma, so I'm just going to talk to you." I took a deep breathe. "I sure miss watching scary with you, oh and making crappy brownies. We were good at that." I laughed. "Remember that time that we spent all day wanting to go fishing, so we went into that fish market in Chinatown. They didn't have any love fish though, so we were screwed. My favorite memory was when we brought those two turtles when were 12, named them Joker and Batman. Your mom got so mad, and she made us take them to a pond and let them go free. We did such stupid things, and I guess that's how our friendship worked. Now I just have this perfect boyfriend, who I hurt and I'll never be able to forgive myself because I love you so much. And no one's ever told me that they loved me with every shaft in their heart so that's gotta mean something. Maybe I'm just rambling and being stupid, but the truth is, I just can't lose you. You were always the one who who I would go to when no one else was there. And I'm sure you could recall how much that was. I'm only 14, but I know I couldn't go a day without being with you. I couldn't walk down the streets the same way, or make brownies, or celebrate anything because without you there is nothing to celebrate." Tears were rolling down my cheek and landing on his palm.

"Wake up. Say something. Blink. Anything. I just need to know if you're still in there." I laid down on his chest, which probably wasn't allowed, but at this point I didn't care. "It's scary out there, I always felt safe around you, that's why I knew I could trust you. I can't leave you here like this. Your mom had to go back to work, so you're all by yourself and that's not fair. I'm being too sad, aren't I? Well speaking about mothers, mine decided take care of me before anything else. I guess that's great, but it's weird having someone hovering around me all the time. Her and Brian are doing good though, I can't believe it's almost been two years that they've been together. They've got 4 more to go before they beat her and Steve Kazee's relationship. That thing lasted 6 years, I almost had to start calling him dad." I laughed through the minimal tears that still seemed to come out. "Think of this like a nap, if you sleep a while, then maybe you won't be so tired all the time! When you wake up, we will stay up all night watching all the Exorcist movies, and that's a plan, sorry you can't get out of it. Who knew I could talk this long, and still have so many more words to say. I miss you." I kissed his forehead.

"I'm sorry miss, but visiting hours are over." The tall nurse stood with hands on her hips.

"Yes, ma'am.' I stood up and gave Kellin a kiss on the cheek. If only this was like Snow White where he would magically wake up after being kissed.

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