Chapter 7

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"You need to leave!" I pointed at Kellin, "And you!" Pointing at Eden, "Get your clothes on and go sit on the couch!" Kellin scampered out of the room and out the front door and I left. Eden came out of her room, obviously embarrassed and sat on the couch.

"I don't even know what to say right now. Disappointment doesn't even begin to explain what I'm feeling. The best part is that you get on my case for having sex, but look at you. You are still 14 years old. Why do you think this is okay?" She didn't reply and just looked down at her hands. She had a sweatshirt on, and it was badly stained.

"I was your age too once, and I had my share of stuff, but I never did half the shit you've gotten yourself into. Is this for attention? Because you've got my attention now! That's not love yet, Eden. That's lust."

"That's not it. We didn't do it, okay? You caught us before any major thing happened! There you go!" She jammed her hands into her sweatshirt pocket.

"If you're lashing out on me because of what happened last night, then please don't lash out like this. There are so many dangers of having sex right now. Like getting pregnant, or an STD!" I paced around with my forehead in my hands.

"That's not how I react to pain." She said cryptically.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"If only you knew."

"Yeah and 'if only' you are going to tell me right now."

"You'll find out soon enough. Don't worry, it'll only kill me. Nothing worse."

"I have a headache and an interview in 3 hours. Kellin is not allowed in your room, and if he does come back, then it must be when either Brian or me are home. Also change out of that, you're going to come to the interview with me."

"What?! No! That's your thing!" Her eyes almost bulged out of her head.

"I'm sure you have a nice dress somewhere. So go change and I'll do your hair and makeup." She trudged over to her room while I sent a quick text to my agent telling her about the change of plans.


I walked into Eden's room, she was deciding between a royal blue and a pink dress.

"Choose the blue one. It'll go better with your hair, and plus the pink one is a bit too prom." I smiled.

"You're right! Thanks!" She laid the dress down on the bed, and pulled a black lace cover up from her closet.

"I'd ditch the sweater. It's probably best just to wear the dress."

"No, I can't. Uhm, I get cold easily." She seemed unsure.

"Oh, okay. Come to my bathroom when you're ready." She nodded, and I quickly went to my room to get my deep purple, tightly fitted, scoop necked dress out from my closet. I took out some sparkly silver heels and placed them at the bottom of my bed. In the bathroom, I decided on matching silver glitter eyeshadow, thick black eyeliner with a slight wing and a rosy pink blush.

"Mom?" She actually said the 'M' word? A flood of relief radiated throughout my whole body as I walked over to my daughter.

"You look gorgeous!" I twirled her around, but she seemed to morph into her shell.

"I'll wait until you finish your hair." She sat on the bed, messing with her black heels. I stared into the mirror, and pinned my hair into a side bun, and curled my bangs back.

"I think she should leave your long. We can curl the ends and just give a hint of makeup." I pulled out some foundation to make her skin flawless, touched it up with some powder, and dusted some light pink blush on. I took some light sparkles and dabbed them on her eyelids, painted on some eyeliner, and finished with two coats of mascara. I pulled her hair to her bak and curls the ends which made her hair look blonder and completed the look. She gazed into the mirror, her reflection smiled at me.

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