Chapter 12

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I woke up slumped against Mara, and my head hurt worse than most hangovers I had ever had. My phone was vibrating in my pocket.

It was my mother.

"Hello.." I started off slowly.

"Where the hell are you?! I can't believe you! I was finally starting to trust you again, and you pull something like this! You know how much danger you put yourself in by doing this?! Goddammit. I can't believe this!"

"Oh I didn't think you'd mind me leaving you two together for some private times."

"Don't even start with me! I am tired of your stupid attitude. I am your mother and you better start treating me like one, whether you like it or not. Now tell me where in God's name you are!"

"Kiss my ass, bitch." Hanging up, I finally felt like I had won. All those times she had hurt me, now I was done, she couldn't call herself a mother to me. It couldn't happen, I know she tries, but it's really not in her blood. Maybe I just couldn't forgive her, and that's the problem, but it's so hard to forgive when you're so broken inside.


I needed to see him, how could I be so selfish and not be there already? What if something is going wrong? But the loveliness of the hangover probably is going to make things much harder.

"Mara?" I tried to shake her awake, but she just kind of rolled over and groaned. "Wake up!" I shook her some more.

"Ugh. What?!" She grumbled.

"I need you to call one of your sober friends to give me a ride."

"It's way to early." She still had her eyes shut.

"I don't fucking care, Mara. I need a ride."

"Fine. Hand me my purse." She pointed towards a bright red fringe bag in the corner next to a sleeping couple. Inside, her phone was right at the top of the bag.

"I'll call Sadee. You remember her, right?" The name sounded familiar. "She's really changed her life around though, she doesn't do what she used to. She told me if I ever needed a favor that she was the one to call. So today os your lucky day."

Sadee was there in 10 minutes, Mara had gotten all her stuff and left, so it was just me and this other guy who seemed to still be sleeping.

"You smell like alcohol big time." Sadee remarked as I sat down I'm the passenger seat. "Here." She handed me some perfume, and it seemed to take the smell away.


"I was in your shoes once, it's nice to have someone help you out. Now where do you need to go?" I gave her the directions to the hospital Kellin was at.

"You sure function well for being hungover." She commented.

"This isn't my first rodeo." It was silent until we got to the parking lot of the hospital, I then muttered a quiet 'thank you' and walked away as fast as I could. I entered the hospital and was given a visitors pass. The receptionist told me Kellin had been moved to a new room, and gave me the new number. It was on a whole new floor, which was odd.

"Thanks!" I smiled at her, and started towards the elevator.i checked my phone quickly, I had three missed calls from Megan and two from Kellin's mom. Slipping my phone back into my pocket, I pushed the 3rd floor button in the elevator. My stomach was in knots, what if something went wrong and that's why she called? The elevator door opened to a brightly lit hallway, the room was only a few doors down. I took a deep breathe and let it out slowly, finally reaching his door. Kellin had his head turned to the other side, his mother beamed and motioned me over.

"Eden! I'm so glad you're here, Kellin has been asking for you all morning! Where's your mother? Didn't she come with you?"

"No, I got dropped off by an old friend. Is he sleeping?" I walked a little closer to him.

"Yes, the doctors said it's probably better for him to get some rest."

"Oh." I sat down next to his bed in a little chair that was the ugliest shade of green. I focused my gaze outside at all the people and buildings, at how beautiful New York really was. Everyone going somewhere, looking at something, admiring everything. Lucy went out of the room with her phone pressed to her ear, and I went back to looking out the window.

"Eden?" The familiar voice made my heart leap.



"I don't know what to do anymore, Christa. Every single thing I do to try to be a parent, she just turns it all around on me like I'm the bad guy. I don't know how long I can do this." My sister sighed on the other line.

"You can't just give up on her! No one said it was going to be easy!" My phone beeped with a call waiting.

"Christa, someone's one the other line. I'll call you back." I pushed the answer key, "Hello?"

"Megan! It's Lucy."

"Oh, hey Lucy."

"So Eden's over here, and no sign of you. Are you swinging by also?"

"Yeah.. I'll be there in a bit." I let my arm swing to my side, before grabbing my bag and heading out the door.


I got to the hospital in 15 minutes, and thankfully there wasn't the normal traffic jam getting there. I ha no clue what I was going to say to her, or even how I was going to handle the situation. Standing in front of the door, I made my decision.

"Eden. Come here." She looked up at me, her body inches from Kellin, hands intertwined. She turned back around and continued to talk to Kellin, who seemed to look worried about the situation.

"I said come here, Eden. Did you not hear me?" I spoke a little louder, and quite a lot more firm. She sighed, pulling herself away for her boyfriend, and walking over to me.

"Yes?" She questioned angrily.

"Stop with the attitude right now because it's not going to get you anywhere. I might not have always been the best parent, but you need to quit holding that against me because, quite frankly, I'm trying pretty damn hard. I can't have you running around in the middle of the night, especially in New York City. Your behavior will not go unpunished. It breaks my heart that all you do is push me away, when I really just want to help you. So go say goodbye to Kellin because we are going home."

"No. Please. Don't make me leave!! He just woke up, please." She begged.

"You heard what I said." She glared at me, and walked over to Kellin, kissed him on the cheek, lingered there for a second, and walked back over to me.

"Thanks." She snapped before walking towards the elevator.

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