Chapter 9

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"Ma'am, there has been an accident. You need to come down to the hospital immediately."

"Is Eden okay? Is my daughter okay?"

"Your daughter is fine. It's Kellin Jackson." I dropped my phone into my purse, called a taxi and was there in 10 minutes. The receptionist gave me Kellin's room number, and a visitors pass. He was in the critical care, so I knew it wasn't good. Eden was sitting outside his door, sobbing into her hands. I rushed to her side and pulled her close to me.

"Shhh. Baby, it'll be okay. It's going to be okay."

"No. You don't know that." Just then nurses streamed into his room, along with a loud beeping sound. "Oh my god! No!! Kellin! No!" She cried out. After about an hour of us laying on the floor, the doctors came out to talk to us.

"Hi. Are you Eden? Ms. Jackson told me to inform you of what's going on."

"Yes. I'm her mother."

"Ahh. Kellin suffered from a deep puncture wound to the stomach. He lost so much blood that we had to revive him with a defibrillator. His heart was going through major stress, and to be able to save his life we had to put him in a coma." Eden was shaking next to me, her breathes were longer now, but fresh tears still fell from her eyes. "Also, the police are here. They need to know what happened to be able to file a report."

"She isn't ready to be talking to the police at this moment. Can they wait a while, please?"

"I'll talk to them."

"Thank you." I breathed. Eden held onto me, hardly able to move from the fetal position.

"It's my fault... I caused this.. I did this... It's my fault.." She rocked herself.

"It's not your fault. It's going to be okay."

"No, it's not. I just wanted to show him my old hiding spot. Corbin came out of nowhere! If I never would've taken him there, this wouldn't have happened if I never would've taken him there!" She sobbed into my shoulder.

"What? Corbin did this?!"

"Yes... He was saying things and then Kellin and him got in a fight. He stabbed him faster the Kellin could realize it was coming."

"Oh honey..." I stroked her hair. Kellin's mother came out of the room, face tearstained and hands trembling.

"I think you should go in and see him while go call his father." She motioned inside. I helped Eden up, as Kellin's mother, Lucy, walked off down the hall. The room was so quiet, just the beep of the heart monitor.

I had been in this hospital way too much lately.

Eden rushed to Kellin's side, she pushed his hair out of his face and held his hand. She didn't speak, just watched. This 14 year old had gone through so much, and she was losing her rock. Kellin had been her best friend for forever, I remember the times they would come home after school and make sandwiches. I was too drunk, rehearsing lines, or gone completely. The times I was listening though, they were always laughing or telling inside jokes. Eden ignored me and went straight to him, everyday. I didn't care though, I was in my theatre world, didn't give two shits. Now I sure wish I did, especially seeing her in this much pain.

"I can't stay..." She was breathing hard, like she just ran a mile. "I can't do this... Can we please go..?" She looked at me, her eyes huge, and lip quivering.

"Okay." I nodded. "I'll let you say goodbye, I'll wait out here." I said walking out of the room. A few minutes later, Eden walked out wiping her eyes. We were stopped by a police man at the end of the hall.

"Can I have a word with you?"



The cop led us into a side room, occupied by two other police officers. I sat in a chair, and my mother sat next to me.

"I understand you and Mr. Jackson were together when all this happened, correct?" He asked.

"Yes, sir."

"Do you mind telling me what happened?"

I took a deep breathe, "Kellin and I were on a walk, and I wanted to show him this little alley I used to go to all time. We were there for maybe 10 minutes, and then... And then Corbin Willis showed up. He started calling me names and insulting both of us. Kellin was getting really mad, and then Corbin pulled out a knife, and I think his beginning intentions were to use it on me. Corbin pushed Kellin to the ground, and when when he was able to get up, Kellin threw Corbin up against the wall and that's when... That's when he stabbed him." I said slowly, trying to contain my tears.

"How do you know Corbin Willis?" The officer probed.

"Uhm. A few months ago I was in with the wrong crowd. He met me, and wouldn't leave me alone."

"Is this the reason why he would be saying those things?"

Another deep breathe, Megan put her hand on my back. "No.. The last time he saw me, he raped me. He was angry- so angry, and now I guess he still is."

"In your file, there were no reports of this." He stated.

"I was scared, I couldn't tell anyone. At that point I didn't have anyone to tell. The next morning, I took some of my mom's plan B pills and acted like it was all fine."

"Thank you Ms. Hilty. You are free to leave now."

Megan stood up and nodded to the police, and I walked out while she followed behind. I silently began to weep, I had only told 2 people about what Corbin did to me. Now more people know, what if everyone finds out? Why did I have to mess up so bad all the time?

"Eden." I walked faster. "Eden, wait!!" But I kept going, I can't break down again. I need my blade, I need to be home. I stopped when I hit fresh air, waiting for mom to signal a taxi. I took a deep inhale and slowly let it out, Megan stood next to me and grasped my hand.

"You aren't alone."

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