Chapter 4

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"Eden. Wake up, we need to talk." Christa stood next to the couch, her arms were crossed. "You broke my trust. I am so disappointed in you. How could you do that? I get that you're a teenager, but you are still a child." She put her head in her hands.

"I couldn't handle it anymore, okay? I'm sorry..." Tears started to form and spill in my eyes. Megan burst through the door, I wiped the tears away quickly. She started pacing around the living room, and then sat at the end of the couch. She took something out of her purse, and sat in on the coffee table. It was my journal.

"I'm sorry.." Megan said quietly, she was crying.

"You read my diary..?" I could barely let it out. I felt so raw, so naked. She knows everything, "Now you know everything about me. Are you happy now?" I stood up, Megan looked at me with her tearstained face.

"Do you realize how serious this stuff is?" She held up the journal.

"So? Just following in mommies foot steps. Are you proud of me yet?" Fuck her.

"I'm disappointed in you.."

"Yeah, I know. I am just one fucking disappointment to everybody..." I cant believe her. "YOU WERE NEVER EVER THERE FOR ME!! You were always gone!! Then you just all of the sudden want to get into my life? Then you read my journal? I've done stuff okay. Things have happened to me, but you can't just do that! I can't trust you ever." I slid down on the wall. Everything was out in the open, she knew everything. Aunt Christa walked over, and pulled me close.

"Please, please don't hate me.." I told her. She stroked my hair and held me tighter. Megan got up and went towards the bathroom, she was sobbing. It dawned on me, she knew about Corbin. "Megan." She looked up, "I know you think I'm a slut, I'm not."

"Honey, you aren't."

"No, listen. Corbin and I met at a party. He got really infatuated with me, and I didn't know it. He used to show up at the parties I was at and try to get with me. He was following me everywhere, and at first I really liked him. He was a good guy, but that changed. He wanted to know where I was at every waking moment. One afternoon I was with Mara, and she decided to go see her boyfriend, which was fine with me because it was late and I was tired. He started following me as I was walking home; I was so scared because I knew something bad was going to happen. He cornered me, and told me if I didn't go with him he was going to kill me. So I did, and he took me to this dirty house, where there was all the people that I didn't know. We were in the room, and he pulled out these handcuffs and chained me up. When he was done, he looked me in the eye and said "You better not fuck with me again, or it'll be worse." So I just laid in that nasty bed for hours. I felt so disgusting because it was my fault. I had gotten myself into this mess. So now you know, your daughter isn't good you thought now is she?" I pushed out of Christa's grip. I left them speechless as I went to my bedroom. My cell was lying on the bed, I picked it up and dialed.

"Kellin.. I'm so sorry." I began. He was silent on the other end, but I knew he was there. "I was being dumb, I know that..."

"Eden, you know that I care a lot about you, but you really scared me last night."

"I Know and I'm sorry for that. It was my mess, a very unexpected one, but mine nevertheless. It was unfair what I did and I regret that, I just.. At that point I wasn't ready to face my mom. And now it's all laid out on the table, and I feel like such a bad person." A small tear slipped from my eye.

"I'm glad your mom knows. She wants to be there for you, and you have to let her in. No matter how much it hurts, it's better this way." No. He was wrong. I don't need her, I haven't ever needed her!

"I have to go. I'll see you later." I hung up, I couldn't deal with anyone else on that's on my moms side.



"I don't know what to do. I never did these things as a teenager, I was too focused on my future career. That's probably why I'm such a screw up parent now because I want to still be a teenager."

"Maybe you just solved your problem. Be less of a kid and more of an adult."

"But what about with Eden?"

"Just start with fixing you, then you can start helping her." I took a deep breath, she was right. "But she does deserve a mother, you need to give her that at least. She needs guidance, not a friend, a mother." Eden came out of her room, she had put on heavy makeup which made her look a whole lot older. Her clothes barely covered her thin body, and her hip bones stuck out like a soar thumb.

"I'm going out." She said, not looking at us.

"No. You're not 'going out', you're going to pack your stuff and come home with me."

"Don't you have work to get to or something?" She pursed her lips.

"No, I called in sick. Your safety is more important." She rolled her eyes.

"Oh, come off it. Stop with the Mother Theresa act. You and me both know you can't take care of me. We both know you never wanted me." She turned towards me. "I'm not a charity case. You could never be a mother, I don't need you." Her voice cracked, she took a big breath. " I always thought about what I would say to you, the woman who wanted to murder me in the womb. Now that I have the chance, nothing seems enough to hurt you how you hurt me. I can't just fall into your arms, not after that."

"I can't even forgive myself for that! I can't forgive myself that I let you get hurt." I walked over to her and put my hand on her arm, "I want to fix things with you." She started to crying, she tried to wipe it away and stay strong, but she couldn't. I pulled her close and she didn't try to pull away. It felt like she just melted into me, an never wanted to move.

"I'm not worthless.. I'm not worthless.. I'm not." She sobbed. I held her tighter.

"You're not, sweetheart." Her tears broke my heart. "Come home."

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