Chapter 2

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I messed up, I know that. I'm reminded about it everyday. I wake up and remember how much I fail at being a mom. She never had a good role model in me, I have failed her.

"Brian?" I rolled over and looked at his scruffy face. He hadn't shaved in a while, but it looked better on him.
"I need to make it right with Eden." I was basically talking to a wall. " She needs me. Goddammit. I have failed her. I can't continue to do this to her."

Brian rolled over, and I couldn't help but let out a giggle when I realized I had been talking to myself. I grabbed my cell from the side desk next to the bed.

"Christa? It's Megan. Please just hear me out."

"I kind of have to when I am keeping your child, don't you think?" I smiled, my sister always knew how to make things better.

"I messed up-"

"Megan, you have always been my younger sister. The one who partied and didn't care why happened. Who went out with strange men to wake up hungover in some bed you didn't recognize. But now things have changed. You have a daughter, one who needs a mother, though wont admit it. Do you realize this or are you just drunk?" God. Christa has always been blunt, but right now I really could just use a friend.

Deep breath in, "I was 18 when I found out I was pregnant. Just out of high school, starting my dream college, the man who knocked me up was 4 years older than me and I hardly knew him. It took me a while to realize there was a life inside of me, and before I figured that out I almost made a big mistake. 14 years later I know that Eden's life can't be taken for granted. I did before and, my god, I wish I could take it back. Christa, I want a new start with her."

"She's going through a lot right now. She only lets me in when she's angry, and things slip out. If you really want to fix things with her, it's going to take time."

"I know, that's why I need you to be there with me and help me through it." It was true, I needed her. Brian had woken up and was sitting up on the bed.

"She told me that you called her today." I remembered the hard words Eden had used. I never thought my own daughter could hate me so much.

"Can we not remember that?" I pressed my head into my palm. Brian rubbed my back in small circles.

"Just remember, she's delicate." Christa hung up on the other line. I sighed because I knew she was right.



Beep. Beep. My phone was at the other side of the bed, I was expecting Kellin to ask when I was coming over. At 3 in the morning, but a girl gets bored in the city that never sleeps.

Lunch. Tomorrow @ 12.

It wasn't Kellin. It was my mother.

Are you bringing Brian?

She quickly wrote back, No just me and you. Don't mind me asking, but why are you still awake.

I didn't reply, instead I got my stuff together to leave.


Luckily for me, my room had a window with doors that opened to a terrace. There was a ladder that went down the side of the terrace for emergencies. I don't know why Aunt C would let it be so easy for me to get out, but I silently thanked her. There was still cars going past, and a few people walking the streets, but it was nowhere near the daytime buzz. I yanked my hood over my head, and tried to blend in.

A NYPD patrol car slowed down next to me. Shit, I thought.

"Hey, little lady!" He stopped me. "You know it's close to 3:30 am?"

"Yes sir. I'm just taking my early morning stroll." I lied through my teeth.

"Can I get a license, ma'am?"

"Sorry sir. I seemed to have left it at my house." I said, patting my pockets. He didn't buy it.

"I'm going to have to take you to the down to the station. There you can wait for your parents to pick you up." I thought about pulling an Annie and running for it but what's the use.

"Yes sir." He opened the back of the car, and I sat.

"You can think about who you'd like to call on the way there." Out of the corner of my eye, Megan's advertisement for Smash stared at me. I knew what I had to do.


Getting called down to the NYPD at 3 in the morning was definitely NOT the highlight of my night.

"What the hell were you thinking?!" I yelled when I saw her, a few people looked over, but it looked like they understood my frustration. She looked away. "You know how embarrassing it is to get a call from the police saying my daughter was out and about at 3 in the morning?"

She looked up, we had identical eyes, bright blue. Her hair was different, she had dirty blonde hair, instead of bright blonde. We resembled each other immensely, but she stood a little taller and wasn't as full figured as I am.

"Look, sorry. I didn't mean to get caught. Normally this doesn't happen, but this time it did and I need you to drive me somewhere." She got up and grabbed her bag. I was taken aback at how she didn't even care.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Go out to the car while I sort this out. Now!!" She walked over to the doors and I watched to make sure she was going in the direction of the car.

I turned to the desk receptionist, "Is there anything I need to do in order to leave?"

Her eyes grew big, shit, she must know who I am. "Megan Hilty? Wow it's such an honor to meet you! I just loved you in Smash. It's really sad that show had to end." I gave her a polite smile.

"Thanks hon. What a great place to meet a fan, right?" I laughed a little at my own joke, "Now can you just give me the papers?"

"Don't worry, miss. Since she had no alcohol in her system, and seems to be fine, it looks like there's nothing you need to sign!"

"Great!" I let my hands hit the desk in exasperation, turned on my heels and walked out the door. My head was pounding, as I had drank a bit before bed.

"EDEN?" I called, she was no where near the car. This was not what I needed. I pulled out my phone, and dialed Christa.

"Hello.." Her voice was groggy.

"Christa, hey! So to make this short, Eden got caught sneaking out, she was at the police station, and called me. Well, uhm, when I picked her up she seems to have ran away." I rushed, and got into my car.


"Who?" I questioned.

"Her boyfriend. I knew I should've gotten that window deadlocked."

Eden had a boyfriend? What else didn't I know about her?

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