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Niall(btw it's like 2019)
Today was New Year's Eve I'm quite excited for next year we've got the tour,it'll be our first full year with Logan,10 years of 1D,Ella will be 5,Jade will be 25 it's gonna be fun "and Ella's afraid of the fireworks and Logan will probably just cry because of the loud noises and.."Jade says I put my head in my hands we've literally been up 5 minutes "calm it Jade it's gonna be fine"I tell her Jades walking up and down the room and me and Logan are just lying on the bed "it's not Niall"she groans stopping I roll my eyes and look at Logan and start to think "well do the same thing we did on bonfire night and Logan will probably be asleep by then"I shrug she chews her lip looking down "okay"she mutters and joins us on the bed "how's our little Logan doing anyway"she smiles tickling him a little it's only been 5 days and already feels like he's always been here "daddy"we then hear Ella shout I sigh and jump up going into her room hearing screams getting louder as I get closer  "what's u-"I stop myself when I see her "how did you manage this?"I ask her she's got her hand trapped in the window I free her hand and pick her up "I wanted to see if it was still snowing and I didn't know how to keep the window up so I kept one of my hands on it and accidentally let go"she cries cuddling into me I sigh shaking my head "let's see your fingers"I smile at her walking back into mine and Jades room she shows me them "yeah I think there just bruised"I smile at her she just nods sniffling a little I then lye back down again putting Ella in front of me "what did you do El?"Jade asks her Ella explaining again

"Jade says I put my head in my hands we've literally been up 5 minutes "calm it Jade it's gonna be fine"I tell her Jades walking up and down the room and me and Logan are just lying on the bed "it's not Niall"she groans stopping I roll my eyes and...

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We're in Zerries everyone's drinking and messing about and it's been a pretty good night so far "aww won't he go asleep?"Jesy asks taking Logan off me "I've tried but he won't"I sigh she just smiles "he's fab Jade"she giggles playing with him well he's just like his dad so of course he's fab "I know"I smile at him hearing squeal I then feel two arms wrap around my now skinny waist and roll my eyes at Jesy lets just say the lads are drunk "hey Jade"Niall says putting his head on my shoulder "hi"I smile turning my head "come with me"he says "and you too Jes"he says grabbing my hand I take Logan off Jesy  and he directs us to the back "look up"he whispers in my ear once we get outside everyone's looking up so I do too seeing stars shaped into a heart I smile Niall wrapping his arm around my shoulders
"Are you gonna kiss me when it's 12?"I ask Niall he just nods smirking a little everyone's now in the living room all watching the TV of the Big Ben usually we'd be there but this year we decided not to because we'd have 3 babies and I don't think it would know be very fun "Jade I just wanna thank you for everything you've done for me this past year for sticking by me and things and yes it's been a very good but bad year but it's been one of the best years of my life because I'm able to call you my wife and you've gave me another child and I love you so much"Niall says everyone then starts chanting "10,9,8,7" "I love you so much too"I smile getting closer to him "2....1" our lips then connect together sparks flowing through my body and we end up breaking apart because word how much were smiling "let's make this year the best year yet"he whispers I nod smiling widely Ella then coming over and Niall picking her up "what year is it now?"she asks looking at Niall "2020"he smiles she just nods and puts her head on his shoulder

1" our lips then connect together sparks flowing through my body and we end up breaking apart because word how much were smiling "let's make this year the best year yet"he whispers I nod smiling widely Ella then coming over and Niall picking her u...

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Daddy?(Nade/Jiall Fanfic)(Completed) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now