Chapter 9......

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Jades POV
Ella is short for Eleanor or Ellen and it means beautiful fairy I don't know how it means that but it does and that's 1 reason why I picked it because it's beautiful it does suit her too I'm just glad I didn't call her belle or anything because she's a little nutter not shy or anything
I plait Ella's hair while she plays with her two of her Barbie dolls that have always got a different name we have to go somewhere with the girls and lads apparently we've been invited and it's quite posh so I don't know how it's gonna go well because none of us are posh and knowing Louis hell probably swear or anything perrie will start going mental basically being her crazy self and then Ella well I don't know what will happen "Ella promise you'll be a good girl for me today"I ask her she nods "prmsie mummy"she says she's never been able to pronounce promise and I find it quite cute I tie a little white bow in the bottom of her hair and then slip on little white flats
Ella's got on a white dress that has lace on the bottom with white little flats with little bows on them her brown hair is plaited twice the ends sitting on her shoulders with two bows keeping the plaits there
Niall is in a dark grey suit white shirt and black shoes his blonde brown hair quiffed up Niall hasn't got a tie on he doesn't really like them
I have in a black dress with brownish spots(Cosmo awards) black heels with my hair down sitting on my back I've gone for a natural look with my makeup (everyone's outfits are on side)
"Jade you ready?"Niall shouts from the bottom of the stairs "yeah"I shout picking Ella up and placing the dolls on the bed I grab my clutch with my phone keys money and everything else in and walk down the stairs "lookin sexy thirlwall"Niall winks at me I blush a little getting to the bottom of the stairs he pecks my cheek we walk o the house Niall locking the door I then look at the gates where there is a car waiting and I can see a black quiff and blonde wavy hair in the window I look at Niall giving him a confused look "no one knew now come one"he says taking my free hand and leading me to the gates we jump in being greeted by Zayn,Perrie,Leigh-Anne,Jesy&Jake I smile still a little confused I sit next I zayn Niall next to me he takes Ella off me "who are we even going to see?"Leigh Anne asks I shrug who are we going to see? "No one knows"Perrie shrugs "well it's gotta be someone with money a lot of money"I say looking around "who is it though?"Jesy groans getting abit annoyed "it's not Simon because let's face it we'd all be in our cars no one in suits or fancy dresses"zayn says rolling his eyes I giggle and nod "it's no one from Syco"Niall shakes his head "so who the f*ck is it!!"Leigh Anne moans "auntie le-le!"we all hear Ella shout I giggle as Leigh Anne blushes red you get told off by Ella if you swear she's half Irish so it's okay for them to swear well I won't let her but yeah
"Sorry El"Leigh Anne says putting her hands over her mouth I chew my lip so I don't burst out laughing "guys look out the window"Jake says looking abit shocked I turn round and no no no no
I look at everyone "get ready to be amazed"Jesy mumbles I start to shake a little omg omg "j stop shaking it's okay"zayn says giving me a hug "I'm scared"I whisper "aren't we all!"Perrie gasps I chew my lip why would we be here were in the music industry not the news!
"I don't like this"Niall says shaking his head I look at him were about to meet someone very important and I don't know wether I want to or not it's quite scary
We get out the door were we meet Louis Harry Liam dani and Eleanor I kinda want to know why we've been invited here
We walk through the big white doors leaving the Stoney path to the silky red carpet I hold Ella's han as we walk through and are greeted by a man he looks like a waiter or something he's wearing a black suit like a really posh waiter would
He hands us all a glass of champagne I'm really about confused of why we're here
I look at Niall who's trying to look happy about this I can tell when nialls scared he shakes his hands abit and nods a lot to
"If you all sit in here and your majesty will be with you in a moment" the waiter says
I don't know this doesn't seem right I feel like we're being tricked we sit down
I sit next to Niall,on my left,who has Ella on his knee Perrie to my right then zayn then Louis then Eleanor
Facing is then Harry,Leigh,Jesy,Jake,Liam and then Dani
There's one seat that's facing us all next to Harry and Niall and then the same at the bottom of the table I guess that's where he queen will sit and the other person
A door creaks open catching everyone's attention and the lady who has the crown on her head and a man with a sash around his back come into the silent room
The Queen sits at the Top I'm guessing her husband is the king? Sits at the bottom we all stare at each other in shock I don't think this is real
Nialls POV
"Daddy who is that lady and man"Ella whispers to me as they sit down "erm el that's the king and queen"I whisper back to her shocked a little still confused will someone explain why we're here and why me and Harry are bloody sitting next to the queen!!
The women smiles at us and we all smile back trying not to look as shocked as we are "Hello"she smiles "Hello"Harry says back acting very normal "now I'm not sure on your names so if we start with this lovely blonde man to my side here could you tell me them" she says I look at Jade who gives me a shocked look my expression the same "erm hello I'm erm Niall and this is Ella"I say shaking a little and looking down at Ella who doesn't have a clue what's going on
"Erm I'm Jade" Jade smiles she's shaking a little too "Perrie" "Zayn" "Louis" "Eleanor" "Dani" "Liam" "Jake" "Jesy" "Leigh-Anne" "And Harry" everyone's voice quite shaky
I'm still shocked and a little amazed

Daddy?(Nade/Jiall Fanfic)(Completed) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now