18 Continued

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"Sam?"I question shaking my head and rubbing my eyes surely this isn't true no it can't be "its me Jade"he says coming a little closer I turn round to Zoe "him out of all the people in the world him?"I say pointing at him with a really bad questioning face "I'm sorry Jade but he's the one for me" I'm literally speech less right now "him as a boyfriend?"I say my eyes widening a lot of people starting to look "not just boyfriend"Sam says going over to Zoe I chew my lip and look at the floor "fiancé"he says I look up as he kisses her lips "congrats I guess"I mumble and then walk away Zoe and Sam that's not something I would have guessed my ex I never thought Zoe was like that
Sam Craske is a horrible man he's evil
I walk over to my mum and just sigh "jades what's up what's happened?"she asks getting worried "how long have you known that Zoe and Sam have been together?"I ask her as quiet as I can she looks down and starts to get a little more worried "I'm sorry Jade but a little while"she sighs I nod "I'm not mad I just wanna know how long have they been going out?"I ask her as quick as I can "3 years"she whispers my eyes widen "thank you"I mumble and walk away 3 years god he must have spilt with me and then gone straight to her "wow what's up with you"Niall says his hand on my arm I look up "oh I don't know Sam Craske"I say and roll my eyes on his name Niall's eyes give me a confused look "you know Zoe my cousins?"I ask him he thinks and then nods "Zoe badwi yeah"he nods I then carry on "well her and Sam are engaged"I mumble his jaw drops "oh wow"he mumbles his mouth still open I giggle and close his mouth with me hand "really?"he asks I nod "that's something"he says still shocked "mummy?"I then hear Ella say and feel someone pull on my dress "yes el"I smile at her and pick her up placing her on my hip "who's that man?"she says and points over to Sam oh no please no not him Niall's eyes widen his jaw slowly dropping again "He's Sam baba but don't go near him"I say hopefully she won't "oh well he wants you and daddy"she smiles I put her down "go play Ella"I say and just stare over at him he's dressed in black skinny jeans and a white top with a black leather jacket he just looks disgusting all the time I look away and just look at Niall "so meet anyone who you actually like?"I ask him and put one arm on his shoulder he gives me a confused look "I spoke to your cousin he was nice"he says still giving me the confused look "make him jealous and go with it"I mumble he nods I put my other arm around Niall's neck he puts his hands on my hips and pulls me closer "so your getting to know the family better now then?"I ask him he simply reply with a nod I place my head on his shoulder my smile widening "are you okay?"he asks me I nod I actually couldn't be better surrounded by all my family and things it's a great feeling "that's great"he smiles and places a kiss on my temple I look over at Sam who looks quite jealous and looking at us every three or so seconds "do more he's getting jealous"I mumble Niall nods and pulls my wait even closer in "I love you Niall"I say loud enough for Sam to hear "I love you more Jade"Niall smiles I then connect my lips with him for about 20 seconds and then pull away Sam is getting so jealous now "it's working ni"I whisper "this is so good"he mumbles I giggle and then Sam starts to walk over but I just ignore him and slowly shut my eyes "hey"I hear Sam say I open my eyes and he gives me an annoyed look "who the f*ck do you two think you are?"he asks us "Niall Horan"Niall says "Jade Thirlwall soon to be Horan"I say and flash my ring up he stares at the ring and groans a little he rolls his eyes too "well your also little f*ckers too"he says and crosses his arms "how are we f*ckers?"I ask standing up and letting Go of Niall "you just are"he mumbles "oh are we?"Niall says taking his hands off of my waist "yep"Sam says I just hale my head "whatever Sam your just a waste of space"I say getting a little feisty "says you"he says and rolls his eyes a bit of a laugh coming out of his mouth I look over to my right and see Ella standing there a little confused and scared I look over at Niall then back at Sam I shouldn't be doing this I'm a mum but you know what I have to protect her and myself "so you little weaklin"Sam says going right up to Niall "meet me in the park 10pm Friday "he growls I look at Niall and Instantly start to worry "I'll be there"Niall growls back and pushes Sam out of his face Sam looks him up and down and then look me up and down a smirk coming onto his face "you have a fiancé you know"I say and point to Zoe "so"he says and walks away as soon as he walks away and is out of sight I give Niall a worried look "Niall you can't fi"I get Interrupted by him straight away "I have a plan"he says pulling out his phone "Niall?"I question "I'll tell you later"he says and starts typing I hate it when he does that "mummy why was Sam by you?"Ella asks me "oh no reason don't you worry just don't you go near him"I say warning her she nods as I pick her up this is just worrying  now

Daddy?(Nade/Jiall Fanfic)(Completed) #Wattys2016Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat