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Niall-3 weeks later-
"Really?"Louis exclaims as we walk into Syco "yep"I laugh "so if it's a lad your gonna call it Niall junior?"he asks I nod why not? "You can't Ni"he laughs "yeah you can I just need to convince Jade"I shrug he shakes his head "boys your late hurry up"Liam shouts from end of the corridor we walk a little quicker walking into the room,yay we're in a boring meeting!i sit down in between Zayn and Louis "so boys it's time for another tour"
I walk into Jesy's house,Ella holding onto my hand "hi"I smile at Jesy,walking into the kitchen,she waves and goes back to what she's doing "she trying to bake a cake for when Jake comes back tonight"Leigh Anne rolls her eyes looking up from a magazine I nod sitting next to her Ella sitting on my lap,she's been really clingy lately "mummy can I go on your phone?"she asks I nod pulling my phone out of my pocket unlocking it for her "oh my god"Leigh Anne exclaims "another sh*tty rumour?"Jesy asks looking up from her cake "yep"Leigh Anne rolls her eyes "let me see"I giggle she shows me the magazine
"Jade Thirlwall feels left out" I roll my eyes "let me read it"I say noticing 3 pictures of Niall with the other 3 girls and one of us weeks ago and one of me and the girls a few weeks back
"Jade Horan,one of four of little mix and half of the cutest couple in the world feeling left out!Jade,26,hasn't been pictured with her bandmates or newly husband since her wedding day,but husband,Niall Horan,26, has been pictured with Jades bandmates,Jesy Nelson,Petrie Malik and Leigh Pinnock over the few weeks...."and it goes on with more bulls*it "they can't decide what my second name is,can't spell Perries name got our ages wrong and since when was it just Leigh Pinnock where did the Anne go?!"I exclaim They both burst out laughing I join them a little after "okay enough of the magazines"Perrie then exclaims walking into the kitchen I smile closing it and sliding it onto the floor "all gone"I smile widely "mummy daddy texted you"Ella says handing me the phone back I smile going on to my texts
"MyNi👫❤️:we need to to talk when I get in,let's just say it's something major😁❤️" I raise one eyebrow "what is it?"Leigh Anne asks looking at it "k..is everything okay?❤️😐"I text back and then lock my phone placing it on the table "boys exaggerate,when he says something major he means something minor"Leigh Anne says I slowly nod "Zayn texted me the same thing"Perrie says sitting down I chew my lip,hopefully Leigh Anne's right

is everything okay?❤️😐"I text back and then lock my phone placing it on the table "boys exaggerate,when he says something major he means something minor"Leigh Anne says I slowly nod "Zayn texted me the same thing"Perrie says sitting down I chew m...

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Daddy?(Nade/Jiall Fanfic)(Completed) #Wattys2016Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora