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Niall/5 days till the wedding
5 days well that's gone fast,a week ago it felt like years until the wedding I'm getting more excited as the days go on if that's possible,the day I can call Jade Thirlwall all mine will be the best day of my life,well I say Thirlwall then it'll be Horan
"Honestly though Zayn is it scary being in front of everyone?"I ask Zayn were sitting on the island just talking about weddings,that really seems like the only subject at the moment "honestly Id feel more comfortable performing infront of thousands of people then staining at that altar again"he shrugs well that's gonna be good "but it's not that bad"he then chews his lip to be honest I think I'm more scared about Louis and Zayns speech they started working on it as soon as I told them I wanted them both to be my best men "is it really the best day of your life though?"I ask him he nods "when I married Perrie I felt like the luckiest and most happiest man ever it is the best day of your life unless you count having Ella as that"he explains I nod wait "where is Ella?"I ask him standing up and walking out of the kitchen she's either fell asleep or she's up to something because this house is to quiet we walk into the living room where the Disney channels on and Ella's asleep on the couch thanks god she's not up to something then,Zayn turns the TV off while I carry Ella up to mine and Jades bed
"And done"Perrie smiles as she writes down the last few words

Daddy?(Nade/Jiall Fanfic)(Completed) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now