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One week till one of the best days of my life,the day I marry the love of my life my absolute world "so your hen parties tonight?"Niall asks me I nod placing a plate down in front of Ella "what's that"she says scrunching her face up at the food on it "that is the best thing your ever gonna taste!"Niall exaggerates at Ella she nods and picks up the sausage sandwich,she's never actually had one which is abit surprising "so where is your hen party?"Niall asks me "Perries so Zayn is gonna come here and help you with Ella okay?"I ask him he nods and smiles
"You got everything?"I ask Jade as she picks up her bag to get out of the car "yeah"she smiles "well have a nice time Jade"I smile and kiss her lips she smiles and breaks it "I will bye El"she then turns around to Ella "bye mummy"she exclaims I smile as Jade gets out and goes in the house and seconds later Zayn comes out the house and into the car "hi"I smile at him "hi"he smiles "do you know what there doing tonight?"I ask him his eyes widen "not infront of Ella" s*it
"CANT GET WITH ME NOW IM GROWN"we all shout me,Jesy,Perrie,Leigh,Dani,Shireen,my mam and some of my cousins are all going crazy in Perries house and "You know Jade"Perrie says putting her arm around my shoulder "yeah per"I smile "did I tell you how happy I am for you and ni..Neil"she asks I laugh my head off "it's..ni..all"I giggle she nods "yeah yeah anyway have I?"she asks I shake my head "well I'm so happy for you like I couldn't be happier!"she smiles I hug her "I couldn't be happier for you either"I giggle she smiles
"Is this what we were like the other week?"I ask Zayn as we look through the photos Jade and Perrie have sent us "I guess"Zayn says his eyes widened "we were crazy!"I laugh he nods I then click on a picture of Perrie,Jade,Jesy and Leigh on the table my eyes widen "what?!"he exclaim I scroll past it "you don't wanna see that"I smile at him he rolls his eyes "show me"he exclaims I shake my head "you'll die"I tell him he shrugs "fine"I mumble "but if you die don't blame me"I tell him going back to it "I don't think there gonna be a wedding if I get my hands on them four"he says his eyes widened "let's clam it"I shake my head he nods "and please don't kill them"I shrug he nods and shakes his head,Ella then comes over and sits on my knee and cuddles into me "you tired?"I ask her she nods "I'll be two minutes"I tell Zayn picking her up
"Oh my gosh I did it again!"we all scream that's all we've done but I'm having a really good time "I love you guys so much"I smile hugging them all

Daddy?(Nade/Jiall Fanfic)(Completed) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now