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Nialls POV
I wake up with Ella's face right I front of mine her little brown wavy curls all in her face exactly the same as Jade I smile it's good to be back I move her hair out of her face a tiny groan coming out of her mouth I kiss her temple and then get out of bed jades not there so she's probably down stairs morning sickness and that I grab a grey jumper with a green 3 on and walk downstairs
"Morning ni"Jade smiles as I walk into the kitchen "morn-wait what does that jumper say"I ask she looks down "oh perrie gave me it"she smiles it's a Marron jumper with yellow writing that says HORAN 93
"It's cute"I chuckle sitting down she smiles and the places a plate infront of me with eggs bacon sausage you know all the things a  full English has "thanks"I smile she smiles again and sits next to me "ni?"she asks as I put some bacon in my Mouth I nod "yeah" I say swallowing she puts her head on my shoulder "are we ready for a second child?"she mumbles I think about it are we?were not the best parents but we're not the worst "sure we are"I say putting my arm around her "I don't know wether I am though"she says tearing up abit "Jade"I say rubbing her arm is she suggesting an abortion? "I don't knew wether I want another right now"she mumbles I nod you can understand that "well Jade it's up to you and I'll stand right by you whatever you decide"I say putting my head on hers it's her who has to carry it for 9 months so it's her who gets to decide what she wants to do "I love you Niall"she smiles and wraps her arms around my waist I hug her tight "I love you too"I smile if she wants to get rid of it she can it's her body and she says what goes with it but the moment get wreaked very quickly by a bang "s*it"Jade screams we both jump up and run up stairs hearing crying we run into the bedroom where Ella's screaming on the floor "Ella!"Jade screams Ella clutches on her right arm I pick her up "Ella what happened"I ask her she breaths a little and then finally comes out with "I...fe....lol....

Daddy?(Nade/Jiall Fanfic)(Completed) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now