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Jades POV(there in Nialls mums house in bed btw)
"Niall" I whisper tapping his shoulder I'm sure it's about five o'clock in the morning but right now I can't sleep so the best thing to do is wake Niall up if we were at home id probably just go downstairs and eat a whole pack of cookies but we're not at home so I can't "ni"I groan his eyes slowly start to open "what?"he whispers sounding abit annoyed but he would be being woken up "I can't sleep"I moan his eyes open he looks so annoyed "why did you have to wake me up then!"he groans I shrug as he rolls his eyes "what time is it?"he asks me "about 5"I mumble "Jade"he moans I try not to laugh "have you been asleep?"he asks I nod "why didn't you just go on your phone or something then"he shakes his head I shrug most likely would have been a better idea
Nialls POV
Most of time it's nice to be in your hometown but for some reason it doesn't feel nice I guess it's because I know after this I won't see Theo anymore "So one minute Jade weren't coming and the next she turns up at the airport?"Greg asks me sounding confused "yeah I'm guessing Jesy,Perrie and Leigh Anne made her come in not sure though"I shrug it probably was them who made her I'm really not sure though "anyway do you want a drink?"Greg asks me I look over at Jade and then look back at Greg "I'll have one yeah"I mumble chewing my lip since I started getting a lot of chest infections Jade doesn't really want me to drink but one won't hurt should it!
"Look Niall once you got famous you totally blocked me out!"Greg shouts at me "really I blocked you out!"I shake my head "yeah Niall  ever since one direction and Jade came about I went out of the picture"He shouts  Gregs been fighting with my for the last hour that I've blocked him out but now he's brought Jade into it so this ain't going to be good "your having a laugh Greg,Nialls your little bro and he'd never block you out infact he speaks to you at least once a week that's more than I speak to my brother!"she shouts Gregs obviously drunk but jades just made it a whole lot worse "yes he has Jade all he ever wanted to talk about was Theo or Ella or himself!!"he shouts in her face,he's took it to far "no one shouts in my girls face"I shout again going up in his face "right I think we should all go to b-"my mum goes to say but again is cut off by Greg "no mum we've talked about this and you always agreed with me"Greg shouts my jaw drops "what?"I mumble my mum looks away "Ni maybe we should go to bed"Jade says grabbing my hand "no"I shake my head "you really thought I blocked you out"I ask her sounding abit hurt which I am right now "in 2013 yes but now no"she says looking down "I erm I'm gonna go check on Ella"I say standing up and slowly waking in and going upstairs "hide"I hear Ella panic and someone running I laugh and walk into the room I slowly open the door Ella's pretending to be asleep my laptop on her knee the wardrobe door is  open too I'm guessing Theo is in there "El are you asleep?"I ask trying not to laugh at her "well if you are I'll have to take my laptop"I say picking up the laptop I actually don't know how she knows my password "no no no nooo"Ella shouts I laugh as she sits up "Theo come out"I smile as he comes out of the wardrobe "what are you two doing anyway?"I ask them sitting next to Ella,Theo sits on the other side of her "we're watching Disney films"Ella smiles cuddling into me "what one are you watching right now?"I ask them she clicks on ''Finding Nemo' "this is one of my favourites!"I smile
I walk into the bedroom and smile seeing Niall,Ella&Theo all sleeping  and hugging each other I smile I walk over to them I grab the laptop I turn it off I put it on the bedside I crawl in next to Niall and smile I may have no voice from screaming but I don't care

Daddy?(Nade/Jiall Fanfic)(Completed) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now