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Niall/20th/6 days till the wedding
6 days till one of the biggest day of my life,it's crazy to  think how many big days I've had most of them were after auditioning for the X factor like coming 3rd on there, having Ella ,meeting Jade,the tours I'm glad to say my life has been pretty eventful
"Ni I have to go to syco I'll be back in about 2 hours k?"Jade asks me placing a kiss on my cheek when she finishes her sentence I nod "k"I smile and peck her lips "eww stop it"Ella moans putting her hands over her eyes I laugh at her and shake my head "I'll see you both later then"Jade laughs and goes over to Ella placing a kiss on her forehead and walking out "you can open your eyes now"I laugh at Ella she slowly opens her eyes and let's out a sigh of relief when I'm the only one standing there she's so old in the head "well what do you want to do for the next 2 hours?"I ask her she starts to think today is gonna be eventful
Jade/at syco
"6 days"Leigh Anne squeals as she comes into the studio I giggle at her,Perrie wraps her arms around me "I'm so excited"she then squeals giving me a tight hug "so am I"I smile that day is defiantly going to be the best day of my life yeah I've had a lot of amazing days but that day is the day that Niall is finally all mine I cannot wait "what are you two writing anyway?"Leigh asks sitting next to me and looking in my little mix book,the book which literally has every word we've ever wrote and sang together "oh it's a song about love"Perrie exclaims I roll my eyes and go back to it (a/n:btw this is get weird in his it hasn't been released) the songs called 'I love you' I really really like it so far,me and Perrie have wrote half of it while we've been waiting for Leigh and Jesy to get here "it's not like Jesy to be late"Leigh says getting confused Jesy is usually here straight away she's hardly ever late "she forgets sometimes"Perrie shrugs we can go on without her she'll be here soon "Hey Jade what's your first dance song?"Leigh Anne asks me my eyes then widen "what is it?"Perrie exclaims s*it "we haven't picked one"I exclaim f*ck were dramatic "well we're coming to yours tonight to discuss that"Leigh Anne shakes her head
Niall/they've made a fort cause Nialls a big kid lol/plus two hours later
"This is pretty impressive"I smile at Ella considering this fort is out of pillows its pretty good "what if mummy comes home and sees it and wants to knock it down?"Ella asks I roll my eyes "we won't let her"I wink at her she nods and climbs into it,the front door then opens "Ella stay in that"I smile at her she nods I go over to the front door shutting the living room one behind me "hi Ni"Perrie exclaims I smile "hi per"I smile back don't know why Leigh Anne and Perrie are here but okay "whys the living room door closed?"Jade asks me I go over to it trying to think of an excuse "Ella is watching a movie and wanted it to be pitch black"I shrug she rolls her eyes "Ella's afraid of the dark idiot"she shakes her head and  opens the door ,well one thing I didn't know about Ella she's scared of the dark "a fort in the two hours you built a fort"Jade sighs shaking her head I nod "we've got more important things to do then moan about a fort Jade!"Leigh Anne exclaims what are they up to? "We need to pick your first dance song"Perrie squeals my eyes widen we actually haven't picked that wow
"Let Ella enjoy it for a little bit"I smirk at her she sighs "fine"she rolls her eyes and walks out we follow her into the kitchen all of us sit at the table "right so what could the song be"Perrie smiles and starts to think of songs ,we can't have little things Perrie and Zayn took that "half a heart?"Leigh Anne suggests I shake my head that's more a break up song "18?"Perrie suggests I shake my head again we weren't 18 when we meet so that wouldn't make sense "fools gold?"Jade suggests I scrunch my face up we need a song that means something to us
1 hour later
We've sat here for an unsuccessful one hour "how about that new one we wrote I love you?" Perrie suggests that sounds nice "we can't record a song until our next session which is in two weeks"Jade groans I look down and think hard "you and I"I exclaim it's the perfect one the music video was released the day me and Jade went on a date thing,it's kinda our song and how did I not think of this straight away "YES"Jade squeals I smile "then it's done the song will be you and I"Leigh smiles "nearly 5 days"Perrie squeals looking at the one which is 9:30pm
You and I will be our first dance song and I cannot wait

Daddy?(Nade/Jiall Fanfic)(Completed) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now