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Today's Louis birthday and this year he's not having a big party like every other year but this year were all just going for a meal but we're talking about Louis here so there will be something absolutely crazy

Niall-24thToday's Louis birthday and this year he's not having a big party like every other year but this year were all just going for a meal but we're talking about Louis here so there will be something absolutely crazy

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-at the meal-I look around the table it's the usual people and then there's Louis's actual family "daddy"Ella whispers tapping my arm "yeah"i smile at her,she's back to normal now no black eyes or anymore bruises and she's not quiet either "look o...

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-at the meal-
I look around the table it's the usual people and then there's Louis's actual family "daddy"Ella whispers tapping my arm "yeah"i smile at her,she's back to normal now no black eyes or anymore bruises and she's not quiet either "look out there"she says pointing out the window I look out to see a fair "can we go on one ride before we go home?"she asks "we'll see okay?"I ask her she nods staring at it the lights then go off and there just the light of Louis's birthday candles "happy birthday to you,happy birthday to you,happy birthday dear Louis,happy birthday to you"everyone sings I smile
-home 9pm
"Hey El come on it's time for bed"I smile she groans "but daddy I don't wanna go yet"she moans making me laugh "Santa won't come is you stay up baby"I smile at her she runs up to me literally jumping in my arms I walk up stairs putting Ella in bed "good night princess"I smile kissing her forehead "nantie daddy"she says yawning and then falling asleep I smile and walk out going down to Jade "what's up?"I ask seeing her sighing and looking at her stomach "he was meant to come today Ni"she sighs putting her head on my shoulder "he might come tonight and if not tomorrow or maybe even your birthday"I try and reassure her she nods cuddling into me "I'm just really impatient now"she groans making me laugh a little I put in another movie for her and then take out my phone

-at the meal-I look around the table it's the usual people and then there's Louis's actual family "daddy"Ella whispers tapping my arm "yeah"i smile at her,she's back to normal now no black eyes or anymore bruises and she's not quiet either "look o...

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@niallhoran:happy birthday big bro!hope you've had a great day😜thanks for all the hilarious memories😂love ya🎉
"You know Ni I think we're gonna have an amazing Christmas this year"Jade says putting a cookie in her mouth after I put my phone in my pocket and then smile "think so?"I ask her she nods "I know we're gonna have a good Christmas"she says smiling I nod and start playing with her hair "even better than last year?"I ask her "even better than last year"she says closing her eyes

@niallhoran:happy birthday big bro!hope you've had a great day😜thanks for all the hilarious memories😂love ya🎉"You know Ni I think we're gonna have an amazing Christmas this year"Jade says putting a cookie in her mouth after I put my phone in my...

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It's Christmas tomorrow in this anyway
Plus if I can update and stuff I'll publish two chapters❤️

Daddy?(Nade/Jiall Fanfic)(Completed) #Wattys2016Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu