I sigh and lay across the couch on Mike’s lap.

I end up falling asleep again.

When I wake up I’m in my bunk. Someone probably just carried me to it after I fell asleep.

I check my phone and see a new text from Mike.

Mikey: We’re in Reno. We’re setting up and practicing a bit. Come in as soon as you wake up. Also try not to fall this time.

I laugh and get out of my bunk.

I get off the bus and go into the building.

This time it wasn’t hard to find the stage. I stand along the side and listen to the boys practice and joke around.

“Liz?” I hear behind me.

I turn around and see Austin.

“Hi.” I say smiling.

He gives me a hug and we talk for a while.

Suddenly someone jumps onto my back and I about fall over.

“Lizzy!” I hear Mike say.

“Get off me.” I whine.

He slides off of my back, kisses my cheek and pulls me into a hug.

“Why didn’t you guys wake me up when we got here?” I ask.

“We didn’t want to wake you.” He says.

I sigh and he smiles at me.

“Come on we have to go get ready. The show starts in an hour.” He say.

I nod and all the guy and I head back to the bus.

I got ready earlier so I’m just waiting for the guys to get dressed.

Tony waves to me and heads out of the bus.

“Mike hurry.” I whine.

“I’m ready!” He says walking into the front.

I climb out of the bus and walk with Mike to the building.

“I’m going to go talk to fans.” Mike says.

I nod and head to the dressing room.

I start to open the door when I hear Tony on the phone.

“I miss you too. I can’t wait to see you again. I love you. Bye.” He says.

Jealously runs through my body and I head to find Mike. I know I have no right to be jealous because I’m not his girlfriend but I still am.

“Come on time to start!” Vic shouts to everyone.

I sigh and wait on Jaime’s side of the stage today.

I was so side tracked with thinking that I barley heard Vic call me on.

I walked onto stage and the entire crowd started screaming. I smiled and sang the last two songs with Vic.

The boys threw their pics and drum sticks into the crowd and we all headed off.

“We’ll let’s go talk to fans now.” Vic says.

“I’ll just head back to the bus.” I say.

“No. You’re coming too.” Mike says pulling me along with them.

There’s a huge line of fans and my heart starts pounding.

I walk around with them awkwardly standing to the side at first, but the fans started talking to me.

“You’re a really great singer.” One girl with green hair says.

“Thanks.” I say smiling.

“Are Tony and you dating?” Some girl with pink and black hair asks.

I look at Tony and back at her.

“No.” I say shaking my head.

Her mouth makes an O shape and I give her a weak smile.

“Hey I’m gonna bail early.” Mike says.

The boys nod their heads and he drags me off with him.

He wraps his arm around me and I press my head into his side.

“What’s going on?” He asks.

“Just a lot on my mind.” I say quietly.

He gives me a half smile and looks down.

We climb onto the bus and I grab a water bottle. Mike lays across the couch and I just watch him. I set my water bottle down and climb onto the couch so that he and I are laying chest to chest.

“Look. Liz I’ve known you since high school. I know when something is wrong.” He says quietly.

I don’t know what made me do this but I just leaned forward and pressed our lips together. He didn’t pull away, he actually kissed me back. I finally pulled away and he opened his eyes. He just stared into my eyes and my heart pounded. Did I really have feelings for Mike this entire time? 

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