LIII. Sigh No More

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She could see Lennox waiting for her already, and with him were more than a few familiar faces. Her heart beat a little faster as the doubts came on again, but it ended up being all for nothing, for as soon as she was within reach, her adoptive father embraced her in a warm hug. The others soon joined in, clapping her shoulder or ruffling her hair or giving her a “brotherly” hug, too. She laughed all the while, her doubts fading.

“Welcome back, kiddo,” Lennox smiled warmly.

“It’s good to be back,” she replied with confidence.

Fig grinned from behind their Commander, “So, chica, it seems like you have some interesting tales to tell us, eh?”

She raised a brow, “Depends on which ones?”

“Like the one where you tell us how old were you when you joined?” Anthony piped up next, and the redhead made an “ah” face as she laughed again.

“Sixteen, and, yes, that does mean you were kind of a pedophile when you flirted with me, but I forgive you,” she teased, and the Italian man groaned with slumped shoulders. The others snickered as they elbowed him, while the redhead looked between them and sighed a little. “You’re right, though. I owe you guys a lot of explanations, and I promise to tell you everything that happened. I expect to owe a lot of people that explanation.”

“Don’t feel obligated, although I am curious about the Allspark business,” Jackson hummed, and then added quickly, “Again; don’t feel obligated.”

“Alright, guys, lay off. She just got back—let’s give her some time to settle in, alright?” Epps barked, waving them off.

“Why, thank-you, Epps. I wouldn’t mind that, actually. It’s been some time since I’ve been to my room… and I imagine my kids are eager to see me,” she mused, and was given odd glances. A grin flickered on her lips, “I’ll explain later.”

“Yeah, you’re definitely gonna have to,” Fig replied, his raised brow getting higher.

“Well, go settle into your room, alright? We’ve got dinner at the usual time so meet with us then,” Lennox spoke next, ruffling her hair, and she nodded as she beat him off. She parted from them then, noting she’d be happy to join them, and took off with Sideswipe right beside her. He lowered his hand down after a few moments and she hopped on. She glanced back at her team once she was situated and finally let herself notice the absence of two of them. She frowned, recalling the battle months ago, and a pang hit her chest. David and Alexander. They had both perished in the battle. She would make sure to pay her respects soon. At the very least she owed them that.

“So, do you want to head to your room first, then?” Sideswipe inquired as he weaved around humans and towards the entrance to the Autobots side.

“No—let’s go see Ratchet. I didn’t think about it before, but I should see if my body is still fine… and then we all know he hates it when my kids barge in uninvited,” she purred, an evil gleam in her eyes, and silver mech laughed just as evilly.

“I should really look into getting those Seekers to help with pranking him.”

“Just don’t get them killed. I’d be very cross with you, and you’d be a terrible father-figure.”

He jerked to a stop, almost throwing her off, “What?

“Well, since we are spark mates, that makes us a couple, and while you may not be human, I am, and I’m their mom, so, being that you’re my ‘boyfriend’ that makes you the father, so to speak,” she replied, and his optics narrowed.

“Pit no. I am not going to be any kind of caretaker for them.”

“I’ll tell Ratchet.”

These Paths We Tread (Autobot x OC)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat