Chapter 4 - 'Who are The Slayers?'

Start from the beginning




"Why not? It looks cute!"

"She's right. It does look cute, and it will look even better on you."

"I don't care. I didn't even want to come here in the first place. You guys dragged me here. Literally."

"If i remember, you said that you'd come in here."

"Exactly. I said that i was going to come in here. Not try on the clothes. So therefore, i don't have to try on the clothes."

"You know, the longer you argue with me, the longer we'll stay here."

I grumbled under my breath and took the clothes into the changing room with the outfit without hearing Natalie saying, "good girl."

I rolled my eyes and took off my clothing to try on the outfit.

I didn't even want to come here. I just wanted to go home and watch t.v while eating nutella and not having to worry about homework, but those plans easily went down the drain.

"Are you done yet?" Natalie called.

"Yeah, just hold on a bit."

I fixed the top a bit and looked in the mirror. Well, i had to hand it to them, they were right. It was pretty cute. It was a pair of white teacup shorts and a long-sleeved loose flowing blue shirt that looked better if it was tucked in.

I found a belt in the corner and i knew that i had a hat and scarf that would go good with the outift. I opened the door and found Natalie impatiently tapping her foot waiting for me, and Melissa was sitting down reading a magazine.

When they both heard my door open, they snapped their heads to the direction of my changing room. I stepped out and smiles broke out on both of their faces.

"Oh wow! See? I told you that it would look good!" Melissa said with a huge grin.

I smiled and nodded. "Yeah, i guess you were right."

Natalie looked deep in thought. "Is it supposed to be tucked in?"

I shook my head. "Nope. But i thought it looked better with it tucked in."

She nodded. "Untuck it."

I untucked it. She shook her head. "You're right. It does look better when it's tucked in."

As i was getting into my changing room, i turned around and asked, "After this, can i just go home?"

They both looked at each other before looking at me and nodded. I smiled gratefully and went to get changed into my regular clothes. We went to go pay and we were on our way home with the windows opened and singing loudly to the radio.

When we got to Natalie's house, we went to the trunk and unloaded all of the shopping bags and we started up the steps. I heard someone giggle, and i turned to look at Melissa who had a hige smile on her face.

"Uh, Melissa, why are you smiling like that? What's going on?"

She looked at me. "Oh nothing. Why would you think that something was going on?"

I looked confused. "Um, because the way your acting?"

Natalie cuts in. "No, she's not hiding anything. She's just escited to see Jacob. She missed her afternoon se--"

"Okay okay i get it, i get it! Please do not finish that sentence and word!" I cry out putting my hands to either sides of my ears to block out the sound. 

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