Chapter 4: The Time Traveler's Pig (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

"What? No, Dipper and I are just going as friends," I told her.

"Wellll... that's not what Dipper thinks..." Mabel trailed off.

I stood there for a moment to process things. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"Dipper doesn't really want me to tell you this, but..." Mabel started. She looked a little to the right and stared at something in the distance, her eyes lit up. "OH MY GOSH A PIG!!" I watched as Mabel ran towards the Win a Pig booth.

"Wait, Mabel!" I yelled, but she was already gone. What doesn't Dipper want me to know?

"Hey, I'm back," said a voice from behind me. I turned around to see Dipper.

"Hey," I replied.

"Okay well, I'm done setting up so Stan said we could just hang around the fair... so, what do you want to do first?"

The first ride we went on was the Farris Wheel. We talked and laughed then decided to go on Rusty Barrel Rodeo next. Rusty Barrel Rodeo was probably the cheapest ride at the fair but that wasn't going to stop Dipper and I from going on it. The ride was just a bunch of wooden barrels on a rotating platform. Each barrel was really only meant for one, but since there was only one barrel left unoccupied, Dipper and I squeezed in two. After we got into the barrel together, the ride started moving.

Our legs were intertwined, our faces no more than 2 inches apart. I stared into his brown eyes and he stared back at me. We were so close that he could probably feel my heart beating through our clothes.

"So..." I murmured.

"...Thanks for hanging out with me at the fair, Y/N... You're really fun to be with," He said softly. He went to rub the back of his neck and lightly brisked my shoulder.

I smiled. "Your pretty fun yourself."

As awkward as it was to be so close to him, I actually kind of liked it. Every small movement he made, I could feel. Dipper's such a sweet guy. I'm really glad to have him as a friend... but being so close to him... I started to think that maybe... I want him to be more than a friend.

The ride jolted to a stop, sending Dipper towards me. Our noses were now touching and my heart was racing. We stayed like this for what most would consider an awkward amount of time before Dipper pulled away.

"S-sorry," he said quietly. I noticed his cheeks were flushed red, chances are, I was probably blushing too.

"Don't be," I replied nervously.

We climbed out of the barrel and flashed each other an awkward smile.

"So... w-what next?" He asked shyly.

I scanned the mystery fair and locked eyes with a booth featuring some sort of duck-panda-hybrid creature. Before I even realized what I was doing, Dipper and I were hand in hand running towards the booth.

"Woah! I don't even know what species it is, but I want one!" I announced

"My uncle taught me the secret to these games. You aim for the carnie's head, and take the prize when he's unconscious," he explained.

"Nice," I laughed.

Dipper pulled some money out of his pocket and handed it to the carnie. "One ball, please."

The carnie handed Dipper a ball. "You only get one chance."

"And a-one and a-two and a-three!" Dipper chanted as he threw the ball.

The ball missed, bounced back and hit me in the eye. "AH!"

"Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Y/N! Are you okay?" He yelled frantically.

"Yeah, dude. I'm fine. It hurts a bit, but I'm fine," I reassured. "I'm just gonna grab some ice."

"Okay, I'll come with you."

"Dipper, I can walk to the ice box by myself. I'll be right back."

I walked off, leaving Dipper by the ball throw. I put my hand over my eye as I walked through the fair grounds. I turned around a corner and ran into... Bill Cipher? Bill had come to visit me at The Mystery Shack party just a little while ago. It was nice to catch up with him and everything, but I didn't expect to see him again so soon, not that I wasn't happy about it.

"Bill? What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I was just hanging out at the fair when I saw Dipper hit you in the eye with a ball! So I went and got you some ice." He held up a plastic bag with ice cubes inside and handed it to me.

"Thanks Bill," I said appreciatively. Bill always seemed to be around when I needed help. I find it kind of ironic that Bill isn't a part of Gravity Falls because he seemed to be a mystery of his own. He has always been a little weird, but in a good way. And to be fair, we're both kinda weird, that's one of the reasons why we get along so well.

One time, when we were kids, we gave each other nicknames. His was Will Cryptic. Now that I think about it... I don't think we ever told my parents Bill's real name... oops... to late to tell them now.

Bill started speaking, pulling me away from my thoughts, "Yeah, no problem, Y/N... so there's something I've been meaning to ask you, and now seems like as good a time as any..." Bill said slowly. He paused and took a deep breath.

Was Bill actually nervous? He's never nervous.

He took my hands and held them in his. "I-I was wondering if you would... be my girlfriend? I mean, we've already gone on dates as friends and such... but I think I'm ready to take the next step in our relationship... so, Y/N, what do you say?"

>>  >>

Thanks for reading! I hope the barrel ride wasn't too cheesy. Part 2 will be out soon!

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