I'll talk to you soon

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Pressing a very soft kiss to Dylan's lips I quickly pulled back.

Walking to the door grabbing my bag I watched as her sleeping form cuddled into the blankets covering her. With one last look I walked out quietly closing my door not waking her. When I saw Aiden and dad doing the same thing they let out a sigh and looked at me.

"Let's leave before they notice were gone." Dad says as we all nod quickly leaving the house.


When I woke up the next morning the first thing I noticed was the bad empty and my eyebrows furrowed. Quickly getting dressed I threw a random shirt f his over my head walking out of the room. I walked to the kitchen and he wasn't there or the front room or anywhere. I was looking downstairs when I ran into Emily who looked confused.

"Have you." We started at the same time as I rolled my eyes.

"Go ahead." I said and she shook her head.

"Have you seen Aiden." She asks and I shook my head.

"No have you seen Brandon." I asked and she shook her head.

"No let's ask mom." She says and I nod following her into the kitchen.

"Hey mom where are the guys." She asked as Claire looked at her.

"You guys don't know." She says as we shake our head.

"No what is it." I say as she sighs shaking her head.

"The guys left this morning for a trip, something came up they had to leave early this morning." She says as my eyes widen.

"They what." We yell in unison as she sighs.

"They didn't tell you did they." She says as I shake my head.

"I'm going to kill him." Emily says her blue eyes flaring.

"For how long." She asks her mom who's eyes widen a little.

"4 days." She answers as my eyes flare.

"He is so dead, where is my phone." I say as I pat my sides.

"I'll be back." We both say as I teleport to the room and back to the kitchen.

"They really didn't tell you." She asks us as Emily angrily unlocks her phone.

"No and he is totally dead." She Says as I nod in agreement.

"I completely agree, I haven't decided how I'm going to kill him yet though I can say he is in huge trouble." I say as she nods calling Aiden.

"Put him on speaker." I say and she nods as it rings.

"Hey babe what's up." He answers seconds later as Emily is glaring at her phone.

"When did you plan on telling me your girlfriend you were leaving for 4 days huh babe." She angrily as he gulps.

"Uh well you see." He trails off carefully as her anger is very prominent.

Because I love you (Thompson #1)Where stories live. Discover now