The Morning After

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Waking up the next morning I noticed two things. One his room was very clean and two I was using him as a pillow. My chest was against his my head on his heart and my one leg was on his thigh. But hey at least I had put clothes on last night. I had to pee so I put on underwear and a bra and threw on the shirt he wore that day before.

Laying back on his chest he had groaned oops I must've woke him up. Tightening his hold on my body he had mumbled something and just got quiet like he was trying to sleep. I had begun tracing patters on his arms when he had finally opened his eyes.

"Good morning." He mumbled rubbing his eyes and look at me.

"Morning." I said as he smirked down at me.

"I think that shirt looks better on you then it ever did on me." He says as I shake my head and lay back on his chest.

"Of course it does, I'm sore." I complain as he smirks at me again.

"I said you would be, how bad are the marks." He said and I stood up and pulled up my shirt to show him the damage.

"How bad." I asked as he smirked again probably at his work.

"There every where." He said tracing a few causing them to heal away.

"Look he makes and heals the marks that now litter my beautiful body." I say sarcastically as he just trails a finger down my exposed body.

"That's actually very ironic." He says and I nod pulling my shirt down.

"Don't pout it doesn't make it easy to resist jumping you as you stand in no shirt and shorts, speaking of which how did your back heal so fast." I ask in disbelief and he shrugs.

"It's a guy thing." He says joining me in the bed and pulling me to him again.

"It's a guy thing" I mimic as he climbs on top of me and smirks.

"You didn't mind any of those guy things last night." He says as I felt my face heat up and I pushed him to the other side.

"Shud up." I say as I face the wall snuggling into the blankets.

"Kids breakfast." His mom yells and his face lights up.

"Let's go." He says as I shake my head and snuggle closer to the blanket.

"I'm sore." I mumble as he rolls his eyes.

"Yes, also very hungry from the extensive amount of work done yesterday so let's eat." He says and I shake my head again.

"There's bacon." He says as my eyes pop up and he smirks at me.

Walking to his bathroom I grabbed a brush leaving my hair down to cover the marks on my neck.

"Ready" I said as we walked downstairs to the kitchen sitting down.

"Morning guys." She said as she handed us plates of food.

"Thanks." We said and started to eat what we had.

20 minutes later I had leaned back in my chair and patted my stomach. "God I'm stuffed." I said and Brandon rolled his eyes.

"That's what happens when you eat that much." He says as I slap his chest and roll my own eyes.

We had moved to the front room and we're watching tv when the worst thing happened and his mom had said the one thing I never wanted to hear.

"Dylan what's on your neck." She asks as I gave her a confused look.

"Where." I asked as she pointed a spot i had finally saw it was a nice sized hickey at the Base of my neck.

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