Chapter 5

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"We what." They all say at once as I roll my eyes.

"We let her go." I repeat as they look at me if I had told them I'm pregnant or something.

"I think the bond made him crazy." Aiden mumbles into Em's shoulder as she scuffs at him.

"And it didn't make you crazy." She says as he rolls his eyes before pressing a small kiss to her visibly less swollen lips.

"I was crazy for you." He says as she rolls her eyes at him.

"Uh huh, good save." She says as he grins at her.

"Thanks, but besides the point are you crazy." He says as he looks at me and I roll my eyes.

"Why can't you be that sweet to me." I mumble and she chuckles.

"Because I love her and well I don't love you, now back to the point are you crazy." He says to me as I shake my head.

"I always get the good ones." She mumbles sarcastically as he winks at her.

"Yep now stop distracting me, and you answer the question." He says as she gapes at him.

"Did none of you think that maybe if we let her go we can get her to trust enough to answer our questions." I say as they all make a " O " face and I smirk at them.

"Didn't think so." I say leaning against the wall.

"I feel stupid ." Aiden mumbles as Em snorts at him.

"You are stupid." She says as he just looks at her.

"Yep, stupid for you babe." He says as he leans down to kiss her but she turns her head and he pouts.

"Sorry, don't want to be a distraction."She says as she puts quotes around distraction and wiggles out of his grip and moves away from the gaping teenager.

"Burn." Me and dad say in unison as Em comes to stand by me and smirks at him.

"That's my girl." Mom says as he glares at all of us and his eyes soften when he hits Em but harden as he moves past her.

"I'll get you for that babe." He says warningly as she shrugs.

"Go ahead and try see when you get a kiss again." She says her smirk returning as he just sighs.

"Or not." He mumbles as she laughs at his face.

"That's what I thought." She says as dad beams at her with pride.

"On to more important who agrees about letting Dylan go." I say as they all nod in agreement.

"And we can keep a eye on her." Aiden says as he walks forward pulling Em to his chest before returning to his previous place as she tries to wiggle out of his grip but he tightens it and she sighs and gives up.

"Stop resisting." He says as it tightens even more.

"No I can , I swear I can feel everything she thinks like all day long now." I say as I run my temples trying to block out her thoughts.

"Oh I forgot to tell you about that."Aiden says sheepishly hiding his head in Em's neck as she rolls her eyes but doesn't resist.

" Your talking about me aren't you " her voice rings in my head

"No, but I'm busy so go away" I scold as I can hear her roll her eyes.

"I can hear your thoughts to mr.Hornypants " she says as I bust out laughing and everyone looks at me weird.

Because I love you (Thompson #1)Where stories live. Discover now