I continued to stare at myself in the mirror but something at other end of the hall caught my eye. There was a dark man standing there, watching me. The hairs at the back of my neck immediately stood at attention. My eyes drifted to the man in the mirror and I noticed him twitching. His head snapped the side quite frequently and limbs moved randomly as well.

I quickly turned my entire body to see the man standing behind me, but when I did he had vanished. I returned my eyes to the mirror but there was something strange. When I turned back to the mirror, my mirror self was still turned, displaying his back. Suddenly, the laughter picked back up from down the hall and my mirror self slowly turned back around.

He looked at me and he had begun twitching and started walking closer to the mirror. When he seemed enlarged his twitching ceased, but the laughter continued. I was frozen, I couldn’t move. All I could do was watch myself in the mirror. I looked intently at the mirror and the boy in the mirror lifted his arms up and hooked his left hand over his bottom jaw, and his right under his upper jaw. He then pulled in separate directions, moaning and groaning in pain.

Next there was a gross snap and he ripped apart his jaw – the bottom half falling to the floor. The mirror boy started twitching again as blood pooled down his body. I let out a shriek and ran back down to the main door. Before I entered the front foyer I heard the hushed whispers again, but this time there were more clear,

“Ni-Ni-Niall… Ni-Ni-Niall… He-He-Help… He-He-Help… M-M-Me… M-M-Me…” As the voice continued whispering I walked to the front door and turned to look up to the room with the opened door. The man who had been behind me was now standing in the doorway, pointing at me. I felt fear rush throughout me and once again I couldn’t move. The body walked over to the railing and gripped it tightly, still looking down at me as he twitched viciously. I then was able to turn around. I fought with the door to open it but it was still locked.

I continued to fight with it until I heard a voice, “Niall… Niall Horan… Niall James Horan…” I slowly removed me hand and stood still. I was terrified. The whisper felt closer to me than the rest. It was like the boy whispering was right behind me, whispering in my ear, “I know what you are. Why did you do this to me Niall?”

“Stop it.”

“You caused me this pain Niall. I hate pain Niall.”

“I don’t even know you.”

“Yes you do. How could you Niall?”

“No I don’t!”

“But I love you. And you love me. Why did you do this to me?”

“I did nothing.”           

“You killed me. Why Niall?”



“Fuck off.”


“I did nothing to you!”

“Why? Why? Why? Why Niall? Why? Why Niall? Why? Tell me why. Why? Why Niall?”

“SHUT UP!” I screamed as I turned around. I jumped back as the body was right in front of me, his head turned down. His twitching was still going on, “I don’t know what you think I did to you, but I did nothing!”

“Niall you did this to me. You’re the reason for my death.” The boy slowly lifted his head, his eyes meeting mine, “And now,” he walked closer, “And now,” he lifted his hand to my chest, “And now I have to kill you.”

My eyes suddenly opened and I was in a cold sweat. My breathing was hitched, and my chest was bouncing up and down dramatically. I looked outside and the sun was high in the sky. The pain in my legs was no longer there, so I tested standing. With much effort I was able to make it on my feet and make it to the very front of the cave.

I took in a deep breath and exhaled, suddenly feeling refreshed. I looked up into the sky and was blinded by the bright sun. I shielded my eyes and tried walking, but something was telling me not to move. I felt as if I needed to stay in the cave a little bit longer, but then I heard something from deep within the cave,


“Why Niall? Why Niall? Why? Why? Why Niall?”

“N-N-N-Niall… Do-Don’t Le-L-Leave Me… Do-D-Don’t Kill M-Me-Me…”

The voice was the voice from my dream and with each word it spoke, it felt closer and closer until I felt someone breathing down the back of my neck. Then, without even looking, and ignoring the pure agonizing pain, I started running as fast as I could into the woods, leaving the voice and my paranoia behind. As I ran throughout the forest, not knowing where I was going I heard something from all directions,


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I refuse toedit this because I scared myself while writing this. A lot of you were wondering if it gets happier. Does this answer your questions? Who do the think the laughter belongs to? Who do you think that body is? What could the dream possibly mean? Tell me in the comments okay? And the video is a repeated clip from the Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask


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