Chapter 21: Information Dump

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Something changed in me those few minutes after I realized the Daymien was gone. There had been too much loss, too much pain, too many unanswered questions. Finding the people I love meant everything.

Despite Adams protest, I brought everyone into the from and started ransacking the files that I found stored there. There was also a large mainframe computer that I know I wouldn't be able to understand no matter how I tried so I reached out to my group of loyal friends.

"Who knows how to work this computer?"

"I do," Adam said with a bit more attitude then I was in the mood for tolerating.

"I wasn't asking you, you have a separate job. Who is good with computers?"

"I am," a small voice stated.

I turned to look who it was and say my sister standing in the doorway. I know my mom would never forgive me if I got her involved with this but I was starting to believe keeping her in the dark wasn't an option at this point. I also knew that she was too much for me for her to just let it be.

"Zelena you can't......"

"I know they're gone. Dad, your boyfriend, and someone else but I don't know if I know them. I'm good with computers and I know a lot more then I let you believe so let me help," she said with a firm look on her face.

Even though this should've made me concerned it brought a smile to my face, "who are you and what did you do with my baby sister?"

"I'm 11, not a baby. I've known dad was taken for over a year now then I started to feel it. He's closer than before, though, I thought he was coming home. They're all close."

I nodded my head and let her on the computer set glad I had some help. When I looked up to start going through files Adam had this weird look on his face. "What's wrong?"

"She never had powers before, we thought she was a Sêęr. How could this be?" He said looking more disconcerted by the second.

"I've had them along. I can feel people and use my voice in a dangerous way, that's why I don't speak much," Zelena said keeping her eyes focused on the computer.

We all stood around staring at her for a moment. I really needed to find out what happened to this child, but sadly that had to wait.

Looking through the files that I had set before me was quite a job. There were over 200 people who worked for my uncle, well 200 known people, not counting Malique and Luna. Each file had a short description of the person, a picture if they had one, and a list of the things they could do.

Just by going through about five profiles I knew this wasn't going to be an easy fight.


Once we finished looking at all the files and triangulated the area in which my dad, brother, and Daymien were Kam suggested we take a break. I went in my backyard wanting to be alone.

There were so many people that we would have to get through to get to my uncle. He's surrounded himself with a crowd full of powerful beings that all have a thirst for revenge. If they feel anything like what I'm feeling now then I know for sure they won't give up.

I feel a single tear run down my face as I stared off into the distance. I haven't cried since my father was taken. Nothing ever felt like it was good enough to shed tears over and now the tears only make me feel weaker.

I need my family back or I'm going to die trying.

Zelena's POV

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