Choater 17: Bring Out the Big Guns

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Malique's POV

 Once Jay came home and told me about her visit with her little teacher friend, I went into home headquarter to enroll for the school. I can't believe I have to go through high school again. Hopefully, the girls aren't as needy as they were when I was in high school. Then again I was captain of the football team.

I have been working with the Bloom family since I was 6 years old. Both my parents died at the hands of Cyrus right in front of me. I went down a really dark path filled with drugs, violence, gangs, and more death. By the time I was 10 I had already seen over 20 people die. That's when I started to notice my powers were manifesting.

I don't know why but my parents never told me that I was different from normal kids, but the night I found out I was glad Jaden was there.


I was sitting in the back alley I called home on a rainy Chicago night. It's usually cold but this was one of those exceptionally cold nights. I stared at my bloody hands like they were foreign to me. I felt tears stream down my cheeks and fiercely whipped them away.

I don't cry. Crying's for little kids, and I grew up a long time ago. I walked into a store and easily listed a candy bar. I hadn't eaten in a day or so and needed something to function off of. When I walked out the store, Pooka, my rival gang's bitch, was walking with her boyfriend.

I tried to walk off like I didn't know nothing but once I heard the shots fire I ran like hell. When I reach one of my hiding spots I stop. That's when I noticed I wasn't in my own body anymore. I was covered in hair. I had claws for hands and dog legs. I ran into the empty wear house and found a mirror. My eyes were like colorful glossy globes.

I screamed and ran back towards the ally not having anywhere else to go. I pushed through every person in the street. When I got to the front of an ally there was a fight between a pimp and his girls. When the girls saw me they all started screaming so I ran even harder. I finally reached the ally, I found the darkest part corner, and curled up in a ball. This time, I let the tears flow.

When I looked up there was a man in a dark coat standing in front of me staring, "Whatchu want rich boy?"

"First, I'm a grown man and you will respect me. Second, I am not very rich and never have been. Third and most important, I know what's going on with you, it would be smart to listen."

I looked at the man through my translucent colorful eyes, wondering if I could trust him.

Trust him.

I haven't trusted anyone since my parents......

"Son, I can feel the pain that's going on with you inside so we are gonna make a deal. If I get you back to normal, you come home with me, but if I don't you can shank me with that knife you're holding."

"You would trade your life to help a runt like me?" I asked accusingly.

I knew it was a dangerous bargain because I've been in a child rapist car it's not fun, but I also knew I would die in these streets if I didn't.


"Smart kid. Now close your eyes and think of the happiest memory you have. Focus on it and feel it then open your eyes."

As stupid as this guy sounded I realized I had nothin better to do. Once I opened my eyes all the freakish hair was gone. I almost screamed like a little bitch I was so scared.

"What the fuck did you do to me!? What are you!?" I screamed pulling my knife.

"Calm down kid we had a deal. Here's my jacket, what's your name?"


"Well Malique we will be seeing a lot more of each other,"

~End of Flashback~

After that day, my life finally took a turn for the better. Jaden brought me home that night and I meet Trish and 10-year-old Axel. He explained this magical world to me and took me in as his son. They even put me through school and Jaden taught me how to be a fighter without violence.

After Axial was taken Jaden tried to hide me from the public eye as much as possible. He was my parabati and he knew that if his great uncle knew about me I would be killed. We were safe for another few years before he was taken.

I gave this family my life since they were the reason I was alive anyway. I moved into the Agency because I knew they would need extra protection. After two years, at the age of 16, I was fully trained and at the top of my class. I had made a lot of friends while training and got a witch to make the potion that blocked all the Bloom children from remembering their magic or me.

I always watched over them to make sure they were safe. There have been countless times when I had to protect them from harms that no man should ever witness. Now that Jay's powers have manifested again I am afraid she will gain a lot of her power back right away. We didn't know what she was capable of when she was younger and now we are even more clueless since she has other bonds adding other immense power.

I knew this war began long before anyone else did, and now is the time to get our army.

"Agent 685, the flower has bloomed. It is time to get the army." 

This chapter has not been edited at all. On that note I am looking for an editor. I need someone to work with me and catch the small mistakes I missed. I have tried the editing polls on Wattpad but none of the editors ever get back to me after one conversation. If you guys know any good editors who are really good and willing to communicate please let me know!

Note added: I have found an editor! So, this chapter and every other one has been edited.

Thank you,

Bloom {Book 1 of the Rose series}(Watty's 2016)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum