Chapter 2: Welcome to Blackwell Academy

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~picture of Jay~

"Honey, I know this is going to be perfect for you but I still want you to be careful. You sometimes have trouble with your attitude and I just want to-"

"Mom I promise everything is going to be fine. I love the school already and I haven't even set a foot inside. I mean look at this garden, and the doors look like they're from a mansion," I kiss her cheek knowing it will calm her nerves. "I love you mama bear."

She smiles, "I love you too baby bear. have a great day!"

I walked up the drive as quickly as possible. I didn't want to wait another minute outside of this marvelous place.

The main building was magnificent! It was of old Victorian architecture with large front windows that were in every room. Stone steps were all in order, like soldiers, and they led to extensive, intricate wooden double doors. The doors had exquisitely detailed carvings as well as the detailed stepping stones, the carvings looked vaguely familiar but I couldn't remember where from. A vast garden was up front with a rainbow of flowers dotted neatly in their beds, walking up the stone steps into what seemed like a school office, passing small crowds of people: everything was just so, perfect. I must have been daydreaming because a petite red headed girl grabbed my hand and started to walk with me.

"Hi, you must be the new sophomore. My name's Jenny, I'm like the student counselor but I'm a senior here. Come on I'll get those registration papers for you," Jenny kindly said.

She had a girl next door type of face which was currently lit up in a friendly grin, accompanying accompanying that was her soft southern accent. Jenny looked around my height, which is 5'2 and had a chic sense of style, her voice seemed to constantly be extra perky and excited, like she never came down from cloud 9.

I kind of wanted to punch her in the face, I know it's rude—my mother tells me all the time—but just to see her reaction. She was just so happy, perky, and friendly, I wanted to see what she would do. Pondering over it, I guessed she was the type of girl to punch me back, smile and say, 'You have a nice arm.' Coming out of my thoughts, I realized that she was still talking so I began to listen.

Before I could even mutter an 'Okay' she was off. I had to run after her struggling to keep up when I almost lost her through the doors. I think she was telling me about the rooms we were passing but she was talking so fast, I barely caught any of it. Reaching another beautifully carved wooden door, with her name plastered on the front with an eye-catching sign underneath. I felt the same pang of nostalgia when I looked at the signs but still didn't know where it came from. We walked in and I was handed a stack of papers.

"This is my office. I'm usually here after school or 4th period as it's my free period, don't use me as an excuse to get out of class too much though. Here's your schedule, I will be taking you to your first class."

"What about the....."

"Most sports tryouts have already past, however, there is a volleyball one tomorrow."

"Are these..."

"Those are your registration papers; don't bother filling them in now, you'll have plenty of time later and any of your teachers will accept it. The first six pages you can fill out on your own but there are a few parent signatures, the next three are for your mother and the last three are for you only. The final page you will fill out when you are alone and turn it in at your principal meeting, which will be tomorrow," she rushed out.

Damn, this girl loved talking. At least, this time, I picked out all the important parts. The conversation went on like this for another five minutes at least. The weird thing was, it seemed like she knew all my questions before I could even ask them, I guess she's just really good at her job.

"So, Jay does this look like everything you hoped for?"

Nervously, I exclaimed, "Oh yes and, by the way, your garden is beautiful – I love the roses."

With a knowing look on her face, she chuckled, "Perfect! So there is no personal tour service but you will find your way just fine. I have a feeling you'll make friends easily too. Since you just moved here, I suggest checking out all the food places in the neighborhood because we allow students to go off campus for lunch."

"Is it for....."

"Technically, it's only for the seniors but administration knows everyone does it, just make sure you don't get caught by the teachers, especially Mr. P. He's the dean of the school and just loves to reinforce rules. Most of the kids are nice some are... different, but you'll fit in well."

"Is there any...."

"The only class you probably have to worry about is math because the teacher likes things to be written in a certain way. Well since that's just about it, I will lead you to class."

This girl really knew her stuff. It was kind of scary how she knew and answered all my question without me having to even ask them. I'm guessing she's just done this a lot and she knows all the frequently asked questions. Aside from the scary talking girl, I think everything will be just fine.

She smiled sweetly before her face paled, "I'm sorry did I cut you off at all?"


Thanks for reading guys! I added a few more parts into the dialogue to make it feel more real. If you see anything that you think I should fix be sure to let me know.

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Bloom {Book 1 of the Rose series}(Watty's 2016)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang