Chapter 18: Its Raining Men

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After the hectic weekend, all I wanted to do was curl up in a ball and die. Obviously, I couldn't do that since I had too many things to do. On the bright side I might get killed in the process, please note the sarcasm.

When I got home from Mr. C's, Adam told me he had already enrolled in my school and today would be his first day. There's nothing better than after being stressed having to explain the reason your gorgeous cousin joined the school.

All day I've been dealing with girls giving me hateful glares and drooling all over him since he has all the same classes as me. It was like estrogen city. I thought once lunch came all the loons would tone down, but as usual, I was horribly mistaken.

"Hey Jay, do you and your cousin want to go to my party tonight? Everyone's going and I know every Rose loves to party," some random girl said winking at me and basically throwing herself in between me and Adam.

"Uh, who are you?"

"Oh, silly we have physics together remember?"

"No, no I do not but it seems like Adam does so I'll be over......"I decided to just stop talking since she wasn't listening anyway.

Quickly I walked away from the sex deprived girl and went to find something that would make my stomach happy. I got to the lunch line and ordered my usual chicken sandwich but there was a new lady and she didn't want to give me my extra brownie.

"I'm sorry sweetie, it's only one per person," the lunch lady said.

"What do you mean its only one per person? I'm PAYING for it! I'm literally buying it from you! I'll even give you a tip! Why can't I just have the brownie? I do this every day!"

"Well, I can see. It's not healthy to be eating so many brownies, Ms. Bloom I'm doing this for your own good," she said with a sweet smile on her face.

"Are you calling me......"

"Good afternoon Mrs. Greisel, might I say your hair is looking fabulous today. Did you get a new shampoo?" A low male voice with a slight British accent said behind me.

"Oh thanks honey, I got it cut this morning. Here take this brownie it's as sweet as you," the lunch lady, whose hair looked like it was a scratch away from falling out, said.

This is an abomination.

"That's not..." next thing I knew a hand was being wrapped around my waist leading me to a lunch table.

"You're welcome," the guy said holding out my brownie.

"Uh, thanks. Have we met before? You seem familiar."

"Nope, I'm new here. My names Malique and I'm really good with lunch ladies," he said with a smirk.

I chuckled, "I see. Your smooth ways might be needed sometime in the future."

"They just might. I'll see you later beautiful," he said winking.

This school must be heaven. I've never gotten this much attention or been this popular in my entire life. My aunt Camera still can't remember my name.

I continued the journey over to my tree when my food knocked out my hands and I got a huge whiff of skank and plastic.

"Hey hoe, I'm so sorry for being rude to you before. I didn't notice you were trying to be the whore of the school," Stella said looking content with herself.

"Oh don't worry honey no one can ever take that spot away from you. That must have been a personal record going through the whole football team in a little over a month, good job,"

Bloom {Book 1 of the Rose series}(Watty's 2016)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum