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I was on my way to CrazyPin Bowling alley with Will and Thomas. We were all in the car and Ava Paige texted me.

"Hey girl! Dylan stayed over and he found out yall were bowling w/o him. Something about him being the MVP whenever yall go? Idk he justs wants to come."

"Thomas avoided him coming because he always gets too crazy but yall come rn! We cant have fun w/o you guys!"

"Be there in 5."

Will is driving and he looks over at my phone. Thomas is quietly riding the back seat. Will turns down the radio and looks to his left as he pulls in the parking lot. I get out as he stops as Thomas opens the door for me, being the gentleman he is. I thank him and playfully skip into the bowling alley.

The aroma of pizza and grease fills the air. Justin Bieber is playing in the background and I start shimmying to it. Will laughs and goes up to the counter.

"Five. Please." And his British accent shows. Thomas looks around and goes to a lane. Will brings over me and Thomas's shoes. I slip them on and pick out a ball. its turquoise and shiny. Just as Thomas let's go of his first ball and knocks down seven pins, I hear someone scream,

"Whoooo! Let's bowl!" Dylan. I hear Ava Paige giggle and come up behind me. Dylan has a stupid blue bandana around his forehead and Will pats him on the back. As Ava Paige slips on her shoes, I sit down next to her. She laughs and tells me all about her latest date with Dylan.

The game goes on and I occasionally hear Dylan make fun of Thomas' bowling skills. Thomas takes it lightly and laughs. It's nearly the end of the game and I haven't been bowling well. I go up to the lane and let go of the ball. Will watches with anticipation. He stands up when I hit a strike. He puts his hands up in the air and runs towards me. He picks me up and screams in victory. I laugh while he shakes me around playfully in the air. He hugs me and I hear Dylan howl and Thomas laugh in the background. Ava Paige laughs and screams as well. I know we all look like a bunch of idiots, but I don't care.

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