"Here's the newspaper, Miss Lea." By the way, that boy's name is Izak. Yes, they are a couple, a cute one I might add. He winked at her before placing the newspaper down on her desk. I knew she was blushing at this moment and I wouldn't blame her. Mr. Izak was one of our soccer coaches, he sings and plays the guitar, great with words and an Alumni of our school too not only because of his looks but well he loves teaching kids.

"Aren't you suppose to be in the field, Sir?" One of the students interrupted who is also trying out for varsity. The pther students giggled at how embarrased Izak was but that didn't stop him from planting a kiss on Lea's cheek then bidding a good bye "I'll see you later, piggy" He rushed out of the class and Ms. Lea was left in a trance for awhile but Dea coughed, making Lea flinch and as an instinct she looked down at the newspapers.

"Okay, class. Get one and pass!" She announced, passing 6 papers per column.

As soon as everyone has gotten their own newspaper, every eyes were on me. Only one caught my attention and it was hers. At that moment I thought eyes couldn't speak but I was wrong. Her eyes were mixed with pity, saying 'I'm here. Don't you worry." but one girl had to shout something "EWWWW!! LAAUREEENNN!!" That was my cue.

I rushed out of that classrom, maybe even faster than flash but I'm not a superhero so with all my effort and the energy fueled by my humiliation. I made my way into the music room wherein I knew I was safe. This is where I go whenever I feel sad or angry actually any emotion. Music is my release and it will forever be. There was this room where they keep the extra or broken instruments, it was dark and dusty but right now I don't really care. I need to be alone, I need to think this through.

How can someone have access to my medical records? The only ones that have those are the clinic. Why would someone get a medical record? why did they pick me? I didn't do anything. Is it because I loved the same gender they spread something fake. Bullshit! I started punching the wall and throwing some sticks which were already broken. I started pulling my hair in frustration and I felt something wet dripping down on my cheek, it was a tear. I wiped it off immediately as I leaned on the wooden wall behind me. I carefully let myself slide down to sit on the floor and I hugged myself, trying to atleast hide myself in the dark.

Let's just say I had a pretty private life, with a couple of trusted friends. I have strict parents, they're only strict in terms of leaving the house or with boys (or should I say girls). I internally chuckled as I sniffled. I mean they are fun to be with just don't get on their bad side. Tears kept running down my cheeks and I started wiping them off as fast as I can, I don't wanna be weak. It's how I am, I don't want people to see that I'm vulnerable. My mind was bombarded with a lot of scenarios such as people looking or even staring at me, disgusted.

"Lauren!" I heard a voice of an angel, it was my Angel. "Lauren!! Where are you?" I lifted my head and listened again, she was here and she's looking for me. The door was suddenly opened by a small figure and it was her. She quickly place my bag on the table beside me while I place my arms beside me, breaking the shell I made for myself. She plopped down and hugged me tight.

After a couple of minutes her arms loosened and her hands made it's way to my face. She cupped my face, she pulled me in for a kiss. It wasn't forced and in her arms I felt safe.  It took me a second before I respond and it was hard to breather here knowing that I just cried my eyes out before. She broke the kiss and I opened my eyes to her closed ones. Her forehead rested on mine and I was panting. Her eyes slowly opened and I flet her thumbs wiping some tears that were still escaping "Sh.. I'm here, baby" her voice was so soothing and at that moment I realized something. I wasn't afraid to be vulnerable, I wasn't afraid to be weak and it was all because of Camila. In a span of one week she made me a different kind of love that I never knew I needed.

Unkiss Me (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now