Hat game; Part 6

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Authors note:

Now it's gonna get dirty for a pretty long time. I love writing this. anyways here it goes.

He didn't move for a long time before he slowly brought their lips together. They were both tense and nervous as their lips remained pressed together. Kendall shifted his head slightly and their lips seemed to lock perfectly in place. As soon as Logan felt a spark his eyes fluttered and he began moving his lips against Kendall's. Logan fisted Kendall's shirt and pulled him closer as their kiss became more intense. Kendall pushed his tongues past Logan's lips making him moan when their tongues met.

As their kiss grew in passion Kendall began exploring Logan's body. He moved his hands down Logan's chest until he reached his waist. Kendall ran his fingers under Logan's shirt and squeezed the soft skin he found there. Logan let out a moan and hooked his leg over Kendall's waist so he could bring their hips closer together. When their growing erections rubbed together Kendall let out a soft groan and grabbed onto Logan's thigh. When they finally pulled apart they were both panting.

"Are we really doing this?" Logan's chest was still heaving as he looked up at Kendall.

"Do you want to?" Logan licked his bottom lip then bit it lightly. He moved his hands slowly over Kendall's shoulders then lowered them to his chest. He fisted the material of Kendall's shirt as he thought hard for a moment. Eventually he locked eyes with Kendall and let out a shaky breath.

"Yes." Kendall smiled then looked up at the others who were sleeping peacefully next to them. He crawled off of Logan and extended his hand to help him stand. When they were both on their feet Kendall dragged Logan by his hand to their bedroom. Logan shut and locked the door then turned to lean against it as he faced Kendall.

"Are you nervous?" When Logan nodded Kendall walked over to him and held his waist. He gave him a soft kiss making Logan relax.

"It's ok. I'll take care of you." Logan nodded as he felt a flutter in his stomach. Kendall suddenly lifted Logan off the ground and cared him over to the bed. He laid him down then immediately crawled on top of him. As they began kissing again Kendall worked on pulling off his pants. They had to separate for a moment so Kendall could stand and kick them off but once they were on the other side of the room Kendall was over Logan again. He grabbed Logan's pants and ripped them off his legs making Logan squeak. Kendall let out a little laugh making Logan smile as they brought their lips together again. Logan ran his hands over Kendall's shirt then pulled on it as he became frustrated with the material. Kendall got the message and quickly sat up to remove his shirt. He then pulled Logan's shirt off so they were in nothing but their boxers.

More comming soon...

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