Hat game; Part 5

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"I don't know about you but this game is starting to wear me out and its already past 3 in the morning." Camille let out a yawn.

"Yea she's right. We have the whole weekend we don't have to do everything tonight." The others nodded in agreement. The girls went back to their bags and grabbed their sleeping bags while the four boys moved theirs around and situated themselves back in the circle. Camille turned off the lights before lying down and once she was settled the apartment fell silent. Logan laid on his side not even a little tired. He thought back to the events of the night and mostly about him and Kendall.

Logan tried to determine if he was just feeling lust for what they had done or if what they had done unearthed some unexpressed feelings inside of him. For the first few minutes that Logan was thinking about it he was convinced it was just lust. He kept telling himself that Kendall was just really good in the sack. He didn't feel anything special towards him. His stomach didn't flip when he thought about his smile or the way his dimples showed or when he laughed. Logan didn't feel all warm and fuzzy inside when he thought about how Kendall said his name or the way Kendall looked at him.

After those first thirty minutes of denial Logan finally allowed his mind to actually think about it. He allowed himself to imagine what it would feel like to be wrapped up in Kendall's arms. What it would feel like to go out on dates or stay in and watch movies or curl up together when it's cold out and drink hot chocolate. All these scenarios brought a smile to Logan's face and he started to want it. He wanted to lay his head on Kendall's chest and feel protected and he wanted to be that special someone to Kendall.

But then he remembered.

It wasn't just about him. Obviously Kendall played a part in this and what if he didn't feel the same. Logan let out a quiet sigh. By now the room was silent except for the occasional snores from the others. Logan shifted a little to get more comfortable so he could go back to sleep but then he felt a tap on his shoulder.

"Logan." Kendall poked Logan again before whispering. "You awake?" Logan bit his lip as he rolled over. He rested his head on his arms and nodded.

"Yea." Kendall stared at Logan for a moment trying to find the words.

"Can I ask you something?" Logan swallowed and nodded.


"Is what happened... going make things between us different?" Logan bit his lip feeling his chest tighten with anxiety.

"I don't know. Good different or bad different."

"What would a good different be." Logan searched Kendall's eyes for something.

"W-well we would be friends."

"We're already friends. That's not different." Logan remained quiet. He was trying to be evasive and he hoped Kendall would figure it out on his own.

"What would be a good different to you?" Kendall bit his lip and his eyebrows furrowed in concentration.



"When we kissed... did you like it?" Logan didn't see the point in lying. He averted his gaze so he wouldn't have to look at Kendall's face.


"Do you want to kiss again?" Logan shut his eyes tightly now.

"Yes." It was silent for a few moments but then Logan felt something touch his face. He opened his eyes and found Kendall hovering above him as his hand cupped his face.

To be countinued

Muahaha I love stopping the parts when it's most exciting!

BTR Kogan draftWhere stories live. Discover now