Sex locations

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"What the hell!" James and Carlos cried simultaneously as they took in the sight in the living room.

Logan turned bright red, and scrambled for his jeans, while Kendall glared at them before buttoning up his shirt.

"Chill guys" he said, unable to keep the annoyance out of his voice, because really they could not have picked a worse time to walk in.

"Chill?" James said, as if it were the most ridiculous thing he had heard. "You guys were about to have sex on the couch!"

"Not cool dude!" Carlos added, how was he supposed to sit there, without thinking of them doing unmentionable things, oh god.

"It's not like it's the first time we've done it" Kendall retorts before he can stop himself, Logan's eyes widen at what his boyfriend just says and he not so subtly elbows him in the ribs.

"Do you really think that's going to calm them down?" He hisses, Kendall merely smirks and shrugs in return. Carlos is attempting to keep himself from throwing up and James is gagging when he realizes something very disturbing.

"Wait." He says, dread thick in his voice, "Where else in this apartment have you guys had sex?"

Logan and Kendall share a look, and Logan fidgets a bit in his seat, before answering, "It might be easier to tell you the places where we haven't."

"Oh my god." Carlos isn't sure he can hold off throwing up for much longer.

"There was, the couch, obviously" Logan starts, "and, umm, various spots on the floor-" he fidgets a little more, and Kendall sees this as his cue to take over.

"The coffee table" James gasps and grabs his lucky comb, bottle of cuda man spray, and many issues of pop tiger off the offending table. Logan rolls his eyes and Kendall continues.

"The kitchen table, the kitchen counter." Before he can continue he's interrupted by James, again.

"WHAT!" He shrieks, "DUDE, WE EAT OFF THOSE THINGS!" EWW, EWW, EWW he repeats in his head.

"Oh, and there was that time on the swirly slide." Kendall and Logan can't help but smile, at the memory, that had been one crazy-

"WHAT!" apparently it was Carlos's turn to freak out. "YOU DEFILED SWIRLY, HOW COULD YOU!" Logan has least has the decency to look ashamed. They all sit in an uncomfortable silence for a few minutes, unsure of how to proceed.

"Well." James says, trying to make the best of the situation "At least our beds are safe.

Logan and Kendall share a guilty look.

"Aww c'mon", James and Carlos say in chord

End :)

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