Ch.1 Where is Home Now?

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      Alderaan was gone. Nothing left except for the debris floating in space from the massive explosion of the entire planet. It was as if it had never even existed. There was nobody from the planet that existed anymore. Except for one girl.....
Leia Organa watched the destruction of her home planet thanks to the most evil man in the galaxy to exist. The man who carries darkness with him and not one single ounce of goodness in his body. Darth Vader. The thought of him made her cringe and wired up anger through her bloodstream but somehow she was still so calm and strong about the situation when she had every possible reason not to be. She knew crying would not bring back her planet, her family or friends. All she knew is that she was aching on the inside with excruciating pain, replaying the explosion over and over again in her head, and she was stuck on a ship with a farm boy, a smuggler (that she could not stand one bit), a wookie, and two droids. But they were all the least of her worries right now.
Leia sat in the back of the smuggler's ship silently, how she typically dealt with grief, as the others were off doing their own thing. Han slowly made his way to the back. Leia rolled her eyes as she heard his footsteps and waited for a sarcastic comment to be made since that is the only way he seemed to communicate.
"How are you your worship?", Han asked in a somewhat genuine tone.
"I'm fine." Leia responded with a blank face, making no eye contact with him.
Han was not sure what to say next so he sat down across from her without asking if he could sit in the room with her. She finally gained a confused and stern expression then asked, "What are you doing?".
He responded, "Well, Luke said we need to get to some place safe so we are-" and was cut off by Leia.
"No, I mean what are you doing in here? I thought I made it clear I wanted to be left alone.", she responded with a hint of attitude. He sat there completely ignoring what she had said to him.
"Did you hear me?" She said raising her voice slightly.
Han looked at her and said "Loud and clear, princess.", while getting up and walking away but Leia made another remark, "I'm shocked you actually are doing something right and taking orders for once."
"Orders? Listen lady, you're on my ship and nobody gives orders except for me. I know you're not used to that but looks like we both are going to have to get used to some things around here." Han said as Leia glared in anger being that nobody has ever spoken to her in that way.
"The fact you guys even got out of there alive beats me." She said while rolling her eyes.
Han walked closer to her while pointing and said, "Yeah well we risked our life for you and could have left you in your cell so watch it."
"Why didn't you?" Leia quickly asked.
"Sweetheart, you're telling me. I'm still wondering the same thing.", Han said in a sarcastic and annoyed voice. He paused and said, "I'm in it for the money.", then stomped quickly out of the room.
Leia sat there thinking, Is this really what life was going to be like now? Was this home?

L E I A   &   H A N : An Adventurous Love StoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz