Dark Appetites

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As we were walking down the street, Landry stopped and shrieked in pain, we all ran towards him, and asked him what was wrong- I never saw my friend like this before.

"I don't know guys! I started feeling the pain after we left the witch doctors- I think they put a boon on me! Dear lord so help me..."

"Jarvis isn't like that- I know." I say, assuring my friend it wasn't anything like that- though I could have a better explanation for what's happening.

"Landry just throw up!" I yell at him, as everyone stares at me.


"You heard me try to throw up! Don't make me make you!"

"Wallace, I think you're thinking outside of it right now-" Tangelo was cut off.

"What are you saying?!" Nila said, grabbing Landry by the shoulders. "Why do you want to punch him- or err make him throw up?"

"Don't ask, just do it!"

"Wallace, I can't on my own..." Landry said before I punched him dead in the center of his stomach.

'BLAH!" yelled Landry after he barfed green and yellow all over the sidewalk. A form started to take shape, eventually leading up to Jarvis coming out of the slick slime.

"Wallace Wisecci, a true Wisecci boy. You really put your mind to that huh?"

"I just knew... What do you want?"

"Remember a deal is a deal? I come to follow you to your grandfather." Jarvis said, throwing a book up and down, catching it each time with one hand.

"Wallace, why didn't you tell me about him?" asked Tangelo, getting ready for a fight.

"Hold your horses dude- he's cool. He's just a bit... sadistic."

"Yeah, that makes us feel safer." Landry sighed.

Well then, Landry has been a bit moodier lately. I decided not to cause an argument, so we continued to walk towards the safe house, and tell my grandfather about our findings.

I felt uneasy letting Jarvis following us, as he always darted his eyes around, staring in different directions, and always started weird mini conversations, which were kind of low-key sadistic.

"I remember when me and your grandfather were in the Navy... let me tell you though, many of the body bags from our group wasn't from fighting-"

"A little too much info, Jarvis..." I would say with unease.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to scare ya kid."

"Yeah, I understand."

"Good, good souls..." he mumbled, silently.

"Jarvis..." I said, feeling a bit more uncomfortable.

"Hey guys, I feel something cold touching my spine. It's uncomfortable..." Landry said losing his balance temporarily.

"JARVIS. STOP. PLEASE JUST STOP." I yelled at Jarvis, as he quickly sheathed back his dagger, and apologized quickly. "I'm sorry Wallace's friend."

"Yeah... just don't try to take my soul again."

We turned a corner, that seemed to have took us back to the neighborhood, and I was preparing for the questions grandpa was going to ask me, and if Jarvis wasn't as clean as he says he is. But time will tell, and as long as he isn't killing any of us right now, We should be able to handle him together. The Blood God, I thought, is right behind me.

"We're in a pretty nice area Wallace... are you sure this is where you're staying?" Jarvis asked.

"It's a safe house, and it isn't grandpas." I silently replied.

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