The Hunt

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I woke up with a huge headache- and saw nothing but a dimly lit lightbulb sitting gently on a half shattered lamp, but enough of it left to actually work. I could tell this room did not have good heating, due to the cold hitting me almost immediately. I started to shake and scream, trying to get some attention.


"Hey, shut the heck up before you get me arrested!"

"For what you did? You should get arrested, man."

"God you are going to be a complete pain in the--"

"GET ME OUT OF HERE, ANYBODY!" I yelled again.

"DEAR GOD CALM DOWN!" the man said back, "I'm saving your life."

"What do you mean?"

"Young magicians, heh. You got a boon on you- witch doctor things. Don't know who casted it on ya, but I would be careful and watch the people around you carefully. Now have you pissed anyone off in the past 10 days?"

Well there was the principal, but he's no magician, I thought.

The man came out of the shadows, and he was the guy I was chasing- and before anything else, I told him this:

"You're fast"

"Yeah, I was on a college track team, till a ACL tear ended my season and my college career."

"Where's Landry, Nila, and Tangelo?"

"Those three? I have to admit, they were quite good, but I think my spell was too strong for them..."

"You killed them?!"

"No young boy, I put them to 'sleep', killing ain't in my blood, unless you're willing to do so of course. Now, why were you chasing me?"

"I sensed magic coming from you- I just set chase."

"Powerful indeed- But not no Wallace Wisecci Jr."

"First of all it's Wiseman- and second of all, how do you know my father?"

"You know, for a young guy, you have a lot of questions to ask."

"Yeah if you were me you would too."

He grabbed a knife, and pointed it at my heart- immediately I jumped. "What are you doing?!" I shrieked, as I saw the blade of the dagger turn black.

"Cleansing your soul- now stay calm, and don't fear what you gonna see."

It was like a nightmare.

Demon-like things, torching the air and land alike, were going throughout human civilization. Human carcasses were being ripped apart by the demon creatures- they were horrible looking things, full of hate, I could sense it. 

"Why are you showing me these?!" I yelled as I seemed to feel myself shake within the confines of this seat.

"Boy, you just have to go through with the plan! I'm saving ya blood! And depicting the future if you don't use your powers to defend it..."

"I don't want these spawn on Earth! Let me go! Please give me a break! Dear god please!"

"Son, these are the original magic users- until they corrupted themselves. They were the Eonites, and were the first to traverse the universe. Magic was their main source of survival- the only way they could travel was through this. They abused this magic though, and by the time they were at their maximum power, a great being, known as Saryott, came and struck them with a curse- the Curse of the Bent- a curse that will afflict their kind for eternity. Now the Eonites are looking for a home planet sustainable of life, yet full of weak beings who are unable to defend it- it was told that earth was their goal. That's why the Dragons gave some humans power- to save their Earth. Saryott cursed them too- with extinction."

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