Chen~ The Past Inside Him

Comenzar desde el principio

We both immediately shut up, not making a noise. Suho hyung was scary when he was angry.

The good part of sharing a room with the leader is that he keeps the room clean and helps with our troubles. But the down side is that he has a mean temper when angered.

But Suho hyung doesn't show that side of him when he's an idol. He shows his 'motherly' kind side.

However, when we're at school or in the dorms, Suho changes into a bipolar leader. One minute he's really nice, after a few minutes he's pissed off at someone or something.

And that's what I get for being his roommate.

"Now I don't want to see another flying pillow in this room ever again, or anyone using their powers, understand?" Suho hyung asked, softening as we nodded.

"Ne hyung." Kai and I chorused.

"Good. Now go to sleep. We have school tomorrow." Suho hyung said, his hair dry and pulling the blanket over him.

"Good night hyung, Kai." I said

"Good night hyungs." Kai said, closing the light as he left.

"Good night." Suho hyung said before I fell asleep.


The Next Morning. . .

I woke up from bed tired. Even though we didn't practice that much, I was still tired.

Besides, learning a new dance is hard for me since I'm more of a singer than a dancer unlike Kai. He's the other way around.

Anyways, I brushed my teeth and changed into my uniform and everything. When I went into the kitchen, my hyungs and dongsaengs were silent, looking at something.

That's weird. Normally, we're pretty loud. What's happening?

"What's all this about?" I asked, munching on a piece of bread.

"Oh hyung!" Sehun called.

"It's for the upcoming school performance." Xiumin answered.

"And there's auditions for a male and female lead." Suho added.

"And I'm going to win this for sure. You guys have heard my beautiful voice right?" D.O touted.

"Sure we did Squishy. But I'm going to win this." I said as I saw his glare.

The entire group bursts into chuckles and laughter. I looked to D.O who was across from me, scowling.

"Come on dongsaeng. it's a joke." I said, chuckling.

"Don't you ever call me that again hyung. And I'm serious." D.O said with a straight face, walking away.

That dongsaeng sometimes scares me... because he rages easily and he's strong. Really really strong. As strong as the beast as he told us once.

D.O even came back one night, clothes partially in shreds, a bloody scratch across his chest; he had a large scratch on his forehead that was diagonal and near his left eyebrow.

Lay immediately began healing D.O, who had 'fire' in his eyes. He said that he took on a large beast somewhere far away in the forest, and had succeeded.

I wasn't so sure about that, but Kai, who went along with D.O said that it was all true. Kai was terrified for weeks. Same thing with everyone else.

And it even took Lay 5 days just to heal the huge scratch on D.O's chest. Lay hyung was drained out for a week after because he used too much of his power.

I sat down on the table and started eating breakfast, which was cooked by D.O.

Even though he's a strong, mean, and a rough magical, he can cook some really good food. Like it's his secret hidden talent.

I then grabbed my backpack and started waking to school after I finished eating.

I realized that everyone left me in our dorm alone... what great friends I have.  

So, I was walking all alone to school without my other 11 'brotherly' members.

I looked in front of me and saw a bright sun ray which made me squint, followed by the figure of a familiar new friend.


Park Sarang ~ you

This morning was wonderful. I woke up energized, and I didn't complain when I had to wake up. I quickly got ready for school, and grabbed a chocolate muffin for breakfast.

I wanted to go to school earlier because of the school performance. I wanted to participate since I liked singing. I hope I'm picked as the lead female singer!

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