"Okay, I can do that," Gabe jumped up, like a light bulb has lit in his head and looked at Dean with an evil smirk.

"So we could..." And the plotting began.


It was a normal Thursday afternoon, Cas, being human and all, was tired. He grabbed the TV remote and turned it on. He backed away to sit on the sofa, as soon as he sat down he heard a click.

Before he knew it, a pie from the table got catapulted right into his face. He grabbed the plastic plate of the pie and removed it from his face. He heard a lot of laughter from behind him.

He stood up to face a red faced Gabe and Dean. When they caught sight of him their laughter increased and Gabe was now on the floor.

"Ah, Cassie," Dean managed the day through his laughter, he walked towards Cas and wiped a bit of pie from his cheek and popped it in his mouth, "you just go pied."

"I'm going to get you for this. After I clean my face." Cas stormed off, leaving the two men to laugh.


"Sam, we need to get them back, right now," Cas ran into Sam's room, face still full of pie. At the sight of Cas, Sam chuckled a bit.

"Okay so...." Sam told Cas the plan.


"Hey, Cas! How was the pie?" Dean laughed at the memory as he saw Cas sitting on a chair in the library, reading a book about warewolves. In reply, Cas gave him a bitchface, making Dean laugh a bit more.

He walked over and sat down on a chair opposite Cas, he saw him trying hide a grin.

"What's so funny?" Dean asked. He tried to get off the chair to reach for a book across the table, but it was like the chair pulled him back. "What the..?"

Dean looked at Cas, who was now giggling to himself and pulled out a tube of superglue.

"No..." Dean gasped.

"Yes!" Cas shouted in his face and walked away laughing.

Dean sighed and grabbed the chair, trying to stand up with it, but it wouldn't move.

"Did you glue the chair to the floor!?" Dean shouted hearing a laugh in return. He sighed.

He took out the knife he carries in his shoe and started cutting the fabric of his jeans. Finally free, he stood up and walked towards his room, feeling weird.

He opened his drawers to find them empty. He looked around his whole room for a different pair of pants but they were all gone.

"DAMMIT CAS!" Dean shouted, and he could swear he heard a clap, like a high five.


The whole week consisted of the four pranking each other. It was like a war zone, no one dared to go out alone in case they got pied. No one touched anything without making sure it wasn't superglued. No one opened any doors without making sure it was clear.

It was a week since the prank war started, and neither of the teams ran out of pranks. But when Gabe saw Sam's diary in his room, a new one was added. He didn't read it, it was just a way to get him to cross over the oiled floor of the library.

"Gabe! Give it back, if this is some kind of a joke to you, than it isn't funny." Sam said, walking after the Arch Angel.

"Want it back? Come and get me!" Gabe said, and stood in one place. Sam was now running towards him, but as he was about to grab his wrist, he disappeared and appeared on the other side of the library.

"Come on Sammy!" Gabe laughed as he saw Sam run across the slippery surface, and lose his balance. But instead of falling over, he carried on sliding until he reached Gabe and fell in his arms.

"Hello, Samsquatch. You can have it back now." Gabe said, as he was half way to passing the book over, it disappeared from his hands again and appeared on the library tables.

"Oops, guess you have to cross that again." Gabe pushed Sam up from his arms an saw him trying to cross the floor, but fell and landed on his butt.

"I surrender!" Sam shouted. Gabe chuckled and clicked his fingers, clearing the floor from and danger. He walked over to Sam and helped him up.

"Let's go find Cas and Dean." Sam mumbled as he saw that Gabe hasn't let go of his hand.

In the kitchen, there was a intense staring match. Both Cas and Dean thought the other is going to do something, so they didn't take their eyes off each other. They ended up standing right in front of each other, staring.

As Sam walked in, he walked straight out.

"There's the most intense staring match ever going on in there." Sam whispered to Gabe, who smiled and clicked his fingers. Suddenly, he was gone.

"Gabe?" Sam turned, but nothing.

"Shh, I'm invisible. Just trust me," said a voice from behind him.

Sam sighed and hid behind the corner of the door, looking at the scene in front of him. Cas and Dean still staring in to each other's eyes, but something happened.

Cas suddenly fell towards Dean, like he was pushed, and Dean caught him. They were just inches away, still staring, as Cas's head was pushed into Dean's, making them kiss. Sam gasped a little, to see that neither of the men pulled away, he saw Gabe, now visible, smiling and giving a thumbs up to Sam. He disappeared again and appeared right in front of Sam.

"It's our turn," He said as he put a hand behind Sam's neck and tiptoed to reach his lips.


Okay that was long but I liked it. I should probably get a schedule for updating but I'm too lazy for that so eh

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