Chapter 13

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Chapter 13 (Kirk's POV)

Once we were beamed aboard the Enterprise, there was a gurney waiting for Sienna. She was such a brave soul, but Morka got the better of her. I could not help think that this incident was all my fault; if I had not left Sienna on Tyrus by herself, there might have been away around all of this.

Bones looked up at me before running off to Medbay, "I will do what I can Jim, but I think that she is a goner."

"I understand," I bowed my head low, and I walked backed to the bridge.

The second I stepped onto the bridge, I one of the officers said, "Captain on the bridge." I nodded my head in reply and walked straight for my chair.

As I looked around I noticed that the news of Sienna had already reached the bridge. Everyone was quiet as they stared up at me waiting for instructions and most of them had glassy eyes. "Where is Commander Spock?" I asked sternly.

"He did not return to his post after he was beamed back to the Enterprise," Mr. Sulu informed.

"He should be here," I demanded slamming my fist down on my arm rest of the Captain's chair.

"Captain," Uhura soothed, "Do you really believe Spock is fit for duty when he just watched his sister get killed? You should give him some time."

"But I need him here now," I said. "Chekov go get Mr. Spock from his quarters." Chekov seemed to consider whether or not he should take the order, and I could tell he had been crying because of his blotch face. "Chekov now!" I ordered.

Chekov slowly got out of his chair, then Uhura said, "Chekov sit. Captain, you are not yourself. Take a break, like Spock! We can handle it up here."

I was furious, I could not believe that my own crewmen were not listening to me.

(Bones's POV)

I got kicked out of my own Medbay right after I yelled at one of the nurses. I had only known Sienna for a matter of weeks, but it felt like she had been a good friend of mine for many years. And now she was gone.

Soon I got fed up of waiting and I was going to walk down to the bridge when I heard the sound of a vase smashing against the wall. To my surprise it was coming from Spock's quarters.

"Spock, let me in," I demanded, expecting that Spock's quarters would be lock, but it was open. "What in God's name is going on in here?" I asked, looking around his room to see many breakables smashed against the walls.

"She is dead," he whimpered.

I was surprised by how much Sienna was affecting him, he did not even have this much emotions when his mother died. "There are doctors working on her right now, she still may be alive?"

"I can see in you eyes you do not believe what your mouth said," Spock's voice returned to normal.

"What is with Sienna that brings out your emotions in you?" I asked. Personally I thinked I like the Spock without his emotions, but I would never say it to his face.

"She looked so much like her," Spock whispered.

Who was her, I wondered, Oh, wait, "Do you mean your mother?"

Spock nodded his head, "Her looks, and her personality were very close to my human mother."

"This is all coming together now," I said, "When you are no longer emotionally compromised, I believe the Captain would like you to return to your post."

Then I walked back to the Medbay, to see if there was any luck with Sienna. I waited outside of the operating room that held Sienna until a nurse walked out, "Nurse," I held her forearm, "What is going on in there?"

"She is dead," the nurse wailed, "There was nothing we could do, I am sorry Doctor."

Tears came to my eyes, but I tried to hold them back. "It is alright. Sienna was beyond what we could do to save her." I had no idea how I was going to break this to everyone, especially Spock.

I wanted to procrastinate and wait until the morning to have to break the news, but I knew it had to be done now. Slowly I took my time walking back to the bridge. It had to be done now, I repeated to myself over and over again.

(Spock's POV)

When I finally came around to my senses, I realized the only way I could entirely get over Sienna was to say good bye. I walked straight to the Medbay, where Sienna lay limp on one of the gurneys.

I cleared my throat before beginning, "Sienna, you were a very smart young lady, and I wished I would have treated better." I let out a deep breath, "I have never felt family love for any one except you, that might be why I treated you so. I am sorry."

I stared down at her young face, "I wonder if," I thought to myself. I placed my hand down on her face for the Vulcan Mind Meld. There was a large probability that this would not work, but I was curious to try.

The second I placed my last finger on Sienna's forehead her eyes flew wide open, and I pulled my arm away from her face. "Fascinating," I said.

Is Sienna dead or not dead?!?! Hope you enjoyed the chapter :)

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